
Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport, profession, relationship to creditor, nationality, citizenship, gender.

  • Is optional
  • Type: object

With the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
DtAndPlcOfBirth Object Optional Date and place of birth of a person.
Othr Object Optional Unique identification of an organization, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme.
Gender String Optional Gender of the party. Supported values: Male, Female, Other.
Profession String Optional Indicates occupation of the sending party.
RelShipToDbtr String Optional Indicates relationship of the receiving party to the sending party.
Ntlty String Optional Indicates country of nationality of the party. Use ISO Country Code for values.
Residence String Optional Indicates country of residence of the party. Use ISO Country Code for values.
Citizenship Object Optional Support for recording multiple values of citizenship of a party.


With the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
BirthDt String Optional Information that identifies the date of Birth in ISO Date format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the party. Format: date-time.
PrvcOfBirth String Optional Information that locates and identifies the Province of birth for the party. Maximum length: 35 characters
CityOfBirth String Optional Information that locates and identifies the city of birth for the party. Maximum length: 35 characters
CtryOfBirth Reference Optional Information that locates and identifies the country of birth for the party, as defined by postal services. Use Alpha-2 Code as defined in the ISO CountryCode ISO 3166-1 list. Defined in #/definitions/country.


Unique identification of an organization, as assigned by an institution, using an identification scheme.

With the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
Id String Optional Value to be used to identify the party. Maximum length: 35 characters
Issr String Optional Information for the Entity that assigns the identification. Maximum length: 35 characters
SchmeNm Object Optional Name of the identification scheme.
DtOfIss String Optional Date of Issue for Passport. Format: date-time. This is classified as a 'soft' field.
DtOfExpr String Optional Date of Expiry for Passport. Format: date-time. This is classified as a 'soft' field.
MrzNb String Optional Machine Reable Zone for Passport. Maximum length: 88 characters. Pattern: /([A-Z])([A-Z0-9<])([A-Z]{3})([A-Z<]{39})\n([A-Z0-9<]{9})([0-9])([A-Z]{3})([0-9]{6})([0-9])([MF<])([0-9]{6})([0-9])([A-Z0-9<]{14})([0-9])([0-9])/im. This is classified as a 'soft' field.

With the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
Cd String Optional List based on ISO20022 ExternalPersonIdentification1Code List 27-Aug-2021, the value of this property must be equal to one of the known values below.
Prtry String Optional Field to support proprietary value. Maximum length: 35 characters
Cd Known Values
Value Description
ARNU Alien Registration Number
CCPT Passport Number
CUST Customer Identification Number
DRLC Drivers License Number
EMPL Employee Identification Number
NIDN National Identity Number
SOS Social Security Number
TELE Telephone Number
TXID Tax Identification Number


Property Type Required Description
Gender String Optional Gender of the party. Supported values: Male, Female, Other.


Property Type Required Description
Profession String Optional Occupation of the sending party.

RelShipToDbtr Known Values

Value Description
CHIL Child
CUST Customer
EMPL Employee
EXSP Ex-spouse
FREN Friend
OTHR Other
PARE Parent
PART Business partner
RELA Relation
SIBL Sibling
SPOU Covering Spouse/Partner
VEND Vendor


Property Type Required Description
Ntlty String Optional Indicates country of nationality of the party. Use ISO Country Code for values.


Property Type Required Description
Residence String Optional Indicates country of residence of the party. Use ISO Country Code for values.


Support for recording multiple values of citizenship of a party.

With the following properties:

Property Type Required Description
Ntlty String Optional Indicates nationality of the party. Use ISO Country Code for values.
MnrId String Optional Indicates whether the party is a minor. Provide a value of Yes or No.
StartDt String Optional Information that identifies the start date of citizenship in ISO Date format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the party. Format: date-time.
EndDt String Optional Information that identifies the end date of citizenship in ISO Date format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the party. Format: date-time.

JSON schema extract

Click to expand
"PrvtId": {
	"type": "object",
	"description": "Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport.",
	"properties": {
	    "DtAndPlcOfBirth": {
	        "type": "object",
	        "description": "Date and place of birth of a person.",
	        "properties": {
	            "BirthDt": {
	                "description": "Information that identifies the date of Birth in ISO Date format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the party.",
	                "type": "string",
	                "format": "date-time"
	            "PrvcOfBirth": {
	                "description": "Information that locates and identifies the Province of birth for the party.",
	                "type": "string",
	                "maxLength": 35
	            "CityOfBirth": {
	                "description": "Information that locates and identifies the city of birth for the party.",
	                "type": "string",
	                "maxLength": 35
	            "CtryOfBirth": {
	                "description": "Information that locates and identifies the country of birth for the party, as defined by postal services. Use Alpha-2 Code as defined in the ISO CountryCode ISO 3166-1 list.",
	                "$ref": "#/definitions/country"
	    "Othr": {
	        "type": "object",
	        "properties": {
	            "Id": {
	                "description": "Value to be used to identify the party",
	                "type": "string",
	                "maxLength": 35
	            "Issr": {
	                "description": "Information for the Entity that assigns the identification.",
	                "type": "string",
	                "maxLength": 35
	            "SchmeNm": {
	                "type": "object",
	                "description": "Name of the identification scheme.",
	                "properties": {
	                    "Cd": {
	                        "type": "string",
	                        "description": "List based on ISO20022 ExternalPersonIdentification1Code List 29May2020",
	                        "enum": [
	                    "Prtry": {
	                        "type": "string",
	                        "description": "Field to support proprietary value",
	                        "maxLength": 35
	            "DtOfIss": {
	                "type": "string",
	                "description": "Date of Issue for Passport",
	                "format": "date-time"
	            "DtOfExpr": {
	                "type": "string",
	                "description": "Date of Expiry for Passport",
	                "format": "date-time"
	            "MrzNb": {
	                "description": "Machine Reable Zone for Passport",
	                "type": "string",
	                "maxLength": 88,
	                "pattern": "/([A-Z])([A-Z0-9<])([A-Z]{3})([A-Z<]{39})\n([A-Z0-9<]{9})([0-9])([A-Z]{3})([0-9]{6})([0-9])([MF<])([0-9]{6})([0-9])([A-Z0-9<]{14})([0-9])([0-9])/im"
					"description": "Information that captures the ender of a party. Supported values: Male, Female, Other.",
					"type": "string",
					"maxLength": 6
			"Profession": {
					"description": "Information that captures the occupation of a party.",
					"type": "string",
					"maxLength": 35
			"RelShipToDbtr": {
					"description": "Relationship of the receiving party to the sending party.",
					"type": "string",
			"Ntlty": {
					"description": "Country of nationality of the party. Use ISO Country Code for value.",
					"type": "string",
					"maxLength": 3
			"Residence": {
					"description": "Country of residence of the party. Use ISO Country Code for value.",
					"type": "string",
					"maxLength": 3
			"Citizenship": {
	        "type": "object",
	        "properties": {
	            "Ntlty": {
	                "description": "Nationality of the party. Use ISO Country Code for values.",
	                "type": "string",
	                "maxLength": 3
	            "MnrId": {
	                "description": "Indicates whether the party is a minor. Provide a value of Yes or No.",
	                "type": "string",
	                "maxLength": 3
							"StartDt": {
	                "description": "Start date of citizenship in ISO Date format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the party.",
	                "type": "string",
	                "format": "date-time"
							"EndDt": {
	                "description": "End date of citizenship in ISO Date format (YYYY-MM-DD) for the party.",
	                "type": "string",
	                "format": "date-time"