Supporting info properties

The following table lists all fields and objects included in the supporting information section of the RippleNet Payment Object, which describes the data related to each payment when sent by a sending member to a receiving member.

For more information, see the technical documentation for the applicable version of the Ripple product.

Property Type Required Description
Cdtr Object Optional Party to which an amount of money is due.
CdtrAcct Object Optional Unambiguous identification of the account of the creditor to which a credit entry will be posted as a result of the payment transaction.
CdtrAgt Object Optional Financial institution servicing an account for the creditor.
ChrgBr String Optional Specifies which party/parties will bear the charges associated with the processing of the payment transaction.
Dbtr Object Optional Party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
DbtrAcct Object Optional Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor to which a debit entry will be made as a result of the transaction.
DbtrAgt Object Optional Financial institution servicing an account for the debtor.
DbtrAgtAcct Object Optional Unambiguous identification of the account of the debtor agent at its servicing agent in the payment chain.
InitgPty Object Optional Party that initiates the payment.
InstForCdtrAgt Object Optional Further information related to the processing of the payment instruction, provided by the initiating party, and intended for the creditor agent.
OrgId Object Optional Unique and unambiguous way to identify an individual or organization.
PmtId Object Optional Set of elements used to Reference a payment instruction.
PmtTpInf Object Optional Set of elements used to further specify the type of transaction.
PrvtId Object Optional Unique and unambiguous identification of a person, eg, passport, profession, relationship to creditor, nationality, citizenship, gender.
Purp Object Optional Underlying reason for the payment transaction.
RfrdDocInf Object Optional Provides the identification and the content of the referred document.
RgltryRptg Object Optional Information needed due to regulatory and statutory requirements.
RltdRmtInf Object Optional Provides information related to the handling of the remittance information by any of the agents in the transaction processing chain.
RmtInf Object Optional Information supplied to enable the matching of an entry with the items that the transfer is intended to settle, such as commercial invoices in an accounts receivable system.
UltmtCdtr Object Optional Ultimate party to which an amount of money is due.
UltmtDbtr Object Optional Ultimate party that owes an amount of money to the (ultimate) creditor.
accepting_client_id String Required This is a system populated field.
connector_role String Required This is a system populated field.
end_to_end_id String Optional Unique identification, as assigned by the initiating party, to unambiguously identify the transaction. This identification is passed on, unchanged, throughout the entire end-to-end chain.
external_id String Optional This is a sender or receiver populated field for their internal usage.
locking_client_id String Required This is a system populated field.
original_message_mt103 String Optional Provides the ability to include the original MT103 message.
original_message_pacs008 String Optional Provides the ability to include the original PACS.008 message.
return_payment String Optional The payment_id of the original payment specified in the request.
return_reasons Array Optional Fields that describe the reason for the return and other metadata related to the return. These are the same fields specified in the request.
version String Required Defines the version of the additional information schema used. Maximum length: 10 characters.
receiver_version String Optional Specification for the RPO version provided by the receiving member. Maximum length: 20 characters.