
Identifier of an account, as assigned by the account servicer. The list is based on a combination of ExternalAccountIdentification1Code and AccountIdentification30Choice ISO 20022 Lists (see ExternalCodeSets2Q2020August2020_v1.xlsx). The value of this property must be equal to one of the known values.

These known values are "soft" fields. For more information, see Soft fields.

Known values

Value Description
AIIN Issuer Identification Number
BBAN Basic Bank Account Number
CARD PAN of the Card identifying the account
CASH Cash Payments
CASHD2D Cash door-to-door delivery
CUID CHIPS Universal Identifier
UPIC Universal Payment Indentification Code
EMail Email Address
MSISDN Mobile Subscriber Integrated Service Digital Network, (i.e. mobile phone number of the SIM card).
Dmst Domestic
Other Other Identifier

JSON schema extract

"external_account_id": {
    "type": "string",
    "description": "Type of account number, list based on a combination of ExternalAccountIdentification1Code and AccountIdentification30Choice ISO 20022 Lists 29May2020.",
    "enum": [