New account page

The New account button displays the New account page where you can define account parameters.

New account page

Field Description
Account Name The technical name of the ledger account that adheres to the RippleNet account naming scheme.
Currency The ISO 4217 three-letter code that represent the account currency.
Minimum Allowed Balance The minimum account balance for RippleNet payments (can be negative).
Maximum Allowed Balance The maximum account balance for RippleNet payments.
Low Liquidity Threshold Value for the account that, when reached, triggers a notification in the RippleNet Payment Object.
Scale The number of digits to the right of the decimal point for the account.
Rounding Mode Determines how values are rounded according the to the account scale. The rounding modes are:
  • Round Half Up: Rounds to nearest value, and if midway, rounds UP:
    • 5.2 -> 5
    • 5.8 -> 6
    • 5.5 -> 6
  • Round Half Down: Rounds to nearest value, and if midway, rounds DOWN:
    • 5.2 -> 5
    • 5.8 -> 6
    • 5.5 -> 5
  • Round Down: Always rounds towards 0:
    • 5.9 -> 5
  • Owner/Address The RippleNet address of the owner of the account