Receiver payment flow — non-orchestration

This page is for developers of existing receiver integrations that already use the API operations that pre-date Ripple orchestration payments.


If you are developing a new integration, you should instead use the orchestration API operations. See Receive a payment.

If you want to use webhooks notifications with your integration, you must use the orchestration API operations. The Lock payment and Complete payment operations described in this topic do not support webhooks. For more information about webhooks, see Webhook notification.



Before you read this tutorial, make sure you're familiar with the concepts presented in Payment flow.

The following table describes the tasks required to receive a payment using the Lock payment and Complete payment API operations.

Payment flow step Related API operation Description
Authorization auth Receiver requests a bearer token for authentication/authorization for use with authorized RippleNet API operations.
Lock payment Lock payment Receiver agrees to the payment terms that the sender has already accepted. This changes the payment state from ACCEPTED to LOCKED.
Complete payment Complete payment Receiver confirms receipt of the payment and the payout to the beneficiary. This changes the payment state to COMPLETED.

Receiving a payment

The combined steps in this tutorial and Sender payment flow — non-orchestration simulate sending one 10-USD payment from the sender, North Bank, to the receiver, South Bank. To simplify the tutorial, no FX exchange rates are applied to the payment.


Before you begin, you must have the following:

  • Access to your RippleNet test instance.
  • Access to a counterparty instance; either a test harness server that Ripple provides or a counterparty's UAT instance.
  • Credentials to authenticate API authorization to your RippleNet test instance.
  • A way to make API requests and view the responses. For example, you can use a REST client like Postman , or cURL from the command line.

Using the RippleNet Server API

The following sections describe the requirements for using the RippleNet Server API.

REST clients

To test the HTTP requests and responses described in this tutorial, use a REST client such as Postman or Insomnia.

You can import the cURL examples into these clients.

For more information, see:

Base URL

The base URL is derived from the HTTPS path of the server running RippleNet. It includes the protocol (http:// or https://) and the domain. It does not include the API version.

For example, the base URL for a payment sender in this tutorial is

Required headers

All RippleNet API operations (except authentication) must contain the following header:

Authorization: Bearer {VALID_ACCESS_TOKEN}

All POST requests (such as Accept quote and Settle payment) must also contain the following header:

Content-Type: application/json


To use RippleNet you need a valid access token for all operations except the Authentication operation itself. For more information, see Authentication.

Lock payment

After authentication to the API, the first step to receive payments is to check for payments with the ACCEPTED state. These are payments that need to be locked. Locking a payment means your institution agrees to, and locks, the terms of the payment.

When your institution (as the receiver) agrees to proceed with the payment by making a successful Lock payment request, the payment's state becomes LOCKED.

For more information, see Lock payment in the RippleNet API Reference.

Poll for accepted quotes

To check for payments that need to be locked, poll your RippleNet instance for payments with the ACCEPTED state.


You can fetch the details for an individual payment at any point by Checking the status of a payment. The payment state is one useful detail in a successful response.

Make a Get payments request for payments with the state of ACCEPTED:

Get payments: HTTP request

GET /v4/payments/?state=ACCEPTED HTTP/1.1
    Authorization: Bearer 5ld1ye ...

Get payments: cURL request

curl -X GET \
      '' \
      -H 'Authorization: Bearer 5ld1ye ...'

If the request is successful, Get payments returns HTTP status 200 OK and a response similar to the following example. Notice that the payment is in the ACCEPTED state.

Click to view the response ...
        "payment_id": "43-bba3-f52c40c91e-d8a05234-8dbbf844",
        "contract_hash": "30a58cb704ef66a2ef266687aab48320b455601941263dc9cce77e95127d84bc",
        "internal_info": {
            "connector_role": "SENDING",
            "labels": [],
            "internal_id": null
        "payment_state": "ACCEPTED",
        "modified_at": "2019-07-29T18:56:11.519Z",
        "contract": {
            "sender_end_to_end_id": null,
            "created_at": "2019-07-29T18:55:56.617Z",
            "expires_at": "2019-07-29T19:55:53.781Z",
            "quote": {
                "quote_id": "ef829465-62f3-4192-80c2-b04be8c84949",
                "created_at": "2019-07-29T18:55:53.781Z",
                "expires_at": "2019-07-29T19:55:53.781Z",
                "type": "SENDER_AMOUNT",
                "price_guarantee": "FIRM",
                "sender_address": "",
                "receiver_address": "tinycorp_transactional_usd1@dev.xcurrent.tinycorp",
                "amount": "10.010000000",
                "currency_code": "USD",
                "currency_code_filter": null,
                "service_type": null,
                "quote_elements": [
                        "quote_element_id": "419456bf-2ff1-4f54-afc2-aefb791298df",
                        "quote_element_type": "TRANSFER",
                        "quote_element_order": "1",
                        "sender_address": "",
                        "receiver_address": "",
                        "sending_amount": "10.000000000",
                        "receiving_amount": "10.000000000",
                        "sending_fee": "0.010000000",
                        "receiving_fee": "0.000000000",
                        "sending_currency_code": null,
                        "receiving_currency_code": null,
                        "fx_rate": null,
                        "transfer_currency_code": "USD"
                        "quote_element_id": "346b3a55-cc17-456b-b612-7e9eb0603fd1",
                        "quote_element_type": "TRANSFER",
                        "quote_element_order": "2",
                        "sender_address": "",
                        "receiver_address": "",
                        "sending_amount": "10.000000000",
                        "receiving_amount": "10.000000000",
                        "sending_fee": "0.000000000",
                        "receiving_fee": "0.000000000",
                        "sending_currency_code": null,
                        "receiving_currency_code": null,
                        "fx_rate": null,
                        "transfer_currency_code": "USD"
                "liquidity_warning": null,
                "payment_method": null
        "user_info": [
                "node_address": "",
                "accepted": [
                        "json": [
                                "key": "accept",
                                "value": "value"
                        "created_at": "2019-07-29T18:55:56.719Z",
                        "subState": ""
                "locked": [],
                "lock_declined": [],
                "retry_accept": [],
                "retry_settlement": [],
                "settlement": [],
                "settlement_declined": [],
                "failed": [],
                "executed": [],
                "completed": [],
                "forwarded": [],
                "returned": []
        "ripplenet_info": [],
        "execution_condition": "PrefixSha256Condition{subtypes=[ED25519-SHA-256], type=PREFIX-SHA-256, fingerprint=HB5qYUfvQacxNn-eEpCsZ36WpG2-tCSvhJMegYNxXkE, cost=132360}",
        "crypto_transaction_id": "4123817-9736-4ggg-a3c7-50fc1010916e",
        "validator": "dev.xcurrent.aperture",
        "payment_type": "REGULAR",
        "returns_payment_with_id": null,
        "returned_by_payment_with_id": null,
        "execution_results": []

Lock the payment

To lock an accepted quote with the API, complete the following steps:

  1. Gather the quote_id for the quote that you want to lock for your partner institution.
  2. Make a Lock payment request containing an empty an empty JSON object: {}

Lock payment: HTTP request

POST /v4/payments/43-bba3-f52c40c91e-d8a05234-8dbbf844/lock HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 5ld1ye ...


Lock payment: cURL Request

curl -X POST \ \
  -H 'Authorization: Bearer 5ld1ye ...' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  -d '{}'

The Lock payment POST request must contain an empty JSON object: {}.

If the request is successful, Lock payment returns HTTP status 200 OK and a response similar to the following example. Notice that the payment state has changed from ACCEPTED to LOCKED. For more information about payment states, see Payment states.

Click to view the response ...
         "payment_id": "43-bba3-f52c40c91e-d8a05234-8dbbf844",
         "contract_hash": "30a58cb704ef66a2ef266687aab48320b455601941263dc9cce77e95127d84bc",
         "internal_info": {
             "connector_role": "RECEIVING",
             "labels": [],
             "internal_id": null
         "payment_state": "LOCKED",
         "modified_at": "2019-07-29T18:56:10.55Z",
         "contract": {
             "sender_end_to_end_id": null,
             "created_at": "2019-07-29T18:55:56.617Z",
             "expires_at": "2019-07-29T19:55:53.781Z",
             "quote": {
                 "quote_id": "ef829465-62f3-4192-80c2-b04be8c84949",
                 "created_at": "2019-07-29T18:55:53.781Z",
                 "expires_at": "2019-07-29T19:55:53.781Z",
                 "type": "SENDER_AMOUNT",
                 "price_guarantee": "FIRM",
                 "sender_address": "",
                 "receiver_address": "",
                 "amount": "10.010000000",
                 "currency_code": "USD",
                 "currency_code_filter": null,
                 "service_type": null,
                 "quote_elements": [
                         "quote_element_id": "419456bf-2ff1-4f54-afc2-aefb791298df",
                         "quote_element_type": "TRANSFER",
                         "quote_element_order": "1",
                         "sender_address": "",
                         "receiver_address": "",
                         "sending_amount": "10.000000000",
                         "receiving_amount": "10.000000000",
                         "sending_fee": "0.010000000",
                         "receiving_fee": "0.000000000",
                         "sending_currency_code": null,
                         "receiving_currency_code": null,
                         "fx_rate": null,
                         "transfer_currency_code": "USD"
                         "quote_element_id": "346b3a55-cc17-456b-b612-7e9eb0603fd1",
                         "quote_element_type": "TRANSFER",
                         "quote_element_order": "2",
                         "sender_address": "",
                         "receiver_address": "",
                         "sending_amount": "10.000000000",
                         "receiving_amount": "10.000000000",
                         "sending_fee": "0.000000000",
                         "receiving_fee": "0.000000000",
                         "sending_currency_code": null,
                         "receiving_currency_code": null,
                         "fx_rate": null,
                         "transfer_currency_code": "USD"
                 "liquidity_warning": null,
                 "payment_method": null
         "user_info": [
                 "node_address": "",
                 "accepted": [
                         "json": [
                                 "key": "accept",
                                 "value": "value"
                         "created_at": "2019-07-29T18:55:56.719Z",
                         "subState": ""
                 "locked": [],
                 "lock_declined": [],
                 "retry_accept": [],
                 "retry_settlement": [],
                 "settlement": [],
                 "settlement_declined": [],
                 "failed": [],
                 "executed": [],
                 "completed": [],
                 "forwarded": [],
                 "returned": []
         "ripplenet_info": [],
         "execution_condition": "PrefixSha256Condition{subtypes=[ED25519-SHA-256], type=PREFIX-SHA-256, fingerprint=HB5qYUfvQacxNn-eEpCsZ36WpG2-tCSvhJMegYNxXkE, cost=132360}",
         "crypto_transaction_id": null,
         "validator": "",
         "payment_type": "REGULAR",
         "returns_payment_with_id": null,
         "returned_by_payment_with_id": null,
         "execution_results": []

Complete payment

After you, as receiver, have locked the payment, the sender institution will make a request to settle the payment. The payment can be then paid out to the beneficiary, the relevant accounts on your ledgers can be settled, and the payment can be completed.

The payout to the beneficiary can be completed by a RippleNet institution or through a partner on local rails. Then, as the receiver institution involved in the payment, you must signal that the payment beneficiary has received the payment.

To indicate to RippleNet that the beneficiary received their payment, the receiver institution must make a request to the Complete payment operation. A successful call to Complete payment changes the payment state to COMPLETED, signaling to RippleNet that the payment is executed, settled, and paid out to the beneficiary.


In a typical payment flow, you would verify out-of-band that the beneficiary has received the payment before you take action to complete the payment. This tutorial does not include this step.

For more information, see Complete payment in the RippleNet Server API reference.

Poll for executed payments

To check for payments that need to be completed, use the Get payments operation to poll for payments in the EXECUTED state:

Get payments: HTTP request

GET /v4/payments/?state=EXECUTED HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer 5ld1ye ...

Get payments: cURL request

curl -X GET \ \
-H Authorization: Bearer 5ld1ye ...

If the request is successful, Get payments returns HTTP status 200 OK and a response similar to the example above for the ACCEPTED payment, except that the payment is now in the EXECUTED state.

Complete the payment

Follow these steps to complete the payment:

  1. Gather the payment_id for the payment that you want to mark complete.
  2. Make a Complete payment request to RippleNet with the value of the payment_id . The request format is POST /v4/payments/{PAYMENT_ID}/settle .

Complete payment: HTTP request

POST /v4/payments/43-bba3-f52c40c91e-d8a05234-8dbbf844/complete HTTP/1.1
Content-Type: application/json
Authorization: Bearer 5ld1ye ...


Complete payment: cURL request

curl -X POST \ \
    -H 'Authorization: Bearer 5ld1ye ...' \
    -d '{}'

If the request is successful, Complete payment returns HTTP status 200 OK and a response similar to the following example. The payment instructions have been successfully sent. The payment changes state from the status of EXECUTING to COMPLETED.

Click to view the response ...
          "payment_id": "43-bba3-f52c40c91e-d8a05234-8dbbf844",
          "contract_hash": "30a58cb704ef66a2ef266687aab48320b455601941263dc9cce77e95127d84bc",
          "internal_info": {
              "connector_role": "RECEIVING",
              "labels": [],
              "internal_id": null
          "payment_state": "COMPLETED",
          "modified_at": "2019-07-29T18:56:18.607Z",
          "contract": {
              "sender_end_to_end_id": null,
              "created_at": "2019-07-29T18:55:56.617Z",
              "expires_at": "2019-07-29T19:55:53.781Z",
              "quote": {
                  "quote_id": "ef829465-62f3-4192-80c2-b04be8c84949",
                  "created_at": "2019-07-29T18:55:53.781Z",
                  "expires_at": "2019-07-29T19:55:53.781Z",
                  "type": "SENDER_AMOUNT",
                  "price_guarantee": "FIRM",
                  "sender_address": "",
                  "receiver_address": "",
                  "amount": "10.010000000",
                  "currency_code": "USD",
                  "currency_code_filter": null,
                  "service_type": null,
                  "quote_elements": [
                          "quote_element_id": "419456bf-2ff1-4f54-afc2-aefb791298df",
                          "quote_element_type": "TRANSFER",
                          "quote_element_order": "1",
                          "sender_address": "",
                          "receiver_address": "",
                          "sending_amount": "10.000000000",
                          "receiving_amount": "10.000000000",
                          "sending_fee": "0.010000000",
                          "receiving_fee": "0.000000000",
                          "sending_currency_code": null,
                          "receiving_currency_code": null,
                          "fx_rate": null,
                          "transfer_currency_code": "USD"
                          "quote_element_id": "346b3a55-cc17-456b-b612-7e9eb0603fd1",
                          "quote_element_type": "TRANSFER",
                          "quote_element_order": "2",
                          "sender_address": "",
                          "receiver_address": "",
                          "sending_amount": "10.000000000",
                          "receiving_amount": "10.000000000",
                          "sending_fee": "0.000000000",
                          "receiving_fee": "0.000000000",
                          "sending_currency_code": null,
                          "receiving_currency_code": null,
                          "fx_rate": null,
                          "transfer_currency_code": "USD"
                  "liquidity_warning": null,
                  "payment_method": null
          "user_info": [
                  "node_address": "",
                  "accepted": [
                          "json": [
                                  "key": "accept",
                                  "value": "value"
                          "created_at": "2019-07-29T18:55:56.719Z",
                          "subState": ""
                  "locked": [],
                  "lock_declined": [],
                  "retry_accept": [],
                  "retry_settlement": [],
                  "settlement": [],
                  "settlement_declined": [],
                  "failed": [],
                  "executed": [],
                  "completed": [],
                  "forwarded": [],
                  "returned": []
          "ripplenet_info": [],
          "execution_condition": "PrefixSha256Condition{subtypes=[ED25519-SHA-256], type=PREFIX-SHA-256, fingerprint=HB5qYUfvQacxNn-eEpCsZ36WpG2-tCSvhJMegYNxXkE, cost=132360}",
          "crypto_transaction_id": "46950817-9736-4fff-a2b7-50fb2510916e",
          "validator": "",
          "payment_type": "REGULAR",
          "returns_payment_with_id": null,
          "returned_by_payment_with_id": null,
          "execution_results": [
                  "execution_result_id": "419456bf-2ff1-4f54-afc2-aefb791298df",
                  "execution_timestamp": "2019-07-29T18:56:14.18Z",
                  "execution_result_type": "TRANSFER",
                  "execution_result_order": "1",
                  "sender_address": "",
                  "receiver_address": "",
                  "sending_amount": "10.000000000",
                  "receiving_amount": "10.000000000",
                  "sending_fee": "0.010000000",
                  "receiving_fee": "0.000000000",
                  "sending_currency_code": null,
                  "receiving_currency_code": null,
                  "fx_rate": null,
                  "transfer_currency_code": null,
                  "intermediary_delta": null,
                  "incentive_type": null
                  "execution_result_id": "346b3a55-cc17-456b-b612-7e9eb0603fd1",
                  "execution_timestamp": "2019-07-29T18:56:07.01Z",
                  "execution_result_type": "TRANSFER",
                  "execution_result_order": "2",
                  "sender_address": "",
                  "receiver_address": "",
                  "sending_amount": "10.000000000",
                  "receiving_amount": "10.000000000",
                  "sending_fee": "0.000000000",
                  "receiving_fee": "0.000000000",
                  "sending_currency_code": null,
                  "receiving_currency_code": null,
                  "fx_rate": null,
                  "transfer_currency_code": null,
                  "intermediary_delta": null,
                  "incentive_type": null

For more information about payment states, see Payment states.