ODL features cross-dependencies

In the Failure conversion - Use cases section, you learned that failure conversion combined with other ODL features, such as Wallet Send, Wallet Receive, and the Smart Liquidation service (SLS) creates a seamless payment experience. However, you might not be using all of those features and wonder if there are any cross-dependencies and if so what they are.


The following frequently asked questions will give you an overview about cross-dependencies.

Does one-to-one liquidation depend on Wallet Receive?

One-to-one liquidation doesn't depend on Wallet Receive.

Is Wallet Receive a prerequisite for SLS? Is Wallet Receive a prerequisite for failure conversion with SSA?

Yes, Wallet Receive is a prerequisite for SLS.
No, Wallet Receive isn't a prerequisite for failure conversion with SSA.

Does SLS need to be enabled for failure conversion? How does failure conversion affect an SLS payment?

No, failure conversion doesn't depend on SLS. If SLS is enabled, failure conversion will trigger SLS for liquidation. Failure conversion only applies to the full payment amount rather than the split payments. For example, a sender creates a $100,000 payment, which SLS splits into five $20,000 liquidation payments each. In this case, failure conversion only applies to the initial $100,000 payment, but not the five payments of $20,000 each. If SLS isn't enabled, failure conversion will require one-to-one liquidation.

What's failure conversion's impact on the RippleNet Payment Object (RPO)?

The RPO will show which payments were subject to failure conversion and the failure conversion execution results. Limited SLS results will also be available. You can use the SLS API to fetch details using the ODL-RippleNet token.