Originator management

The originator management feature allows you to add or delete payment originators using the Ripple Payments UI.


This topic describes how you can manage originator identities. For more information on how to manage beneficiary identities, see Beneficiaries.

Add an originator identity

To add an originator identity:

  1. In the Ripple Payments UI , select Settings > Manage Originators > Add Originator .
  2. Select whether the originator identity you want to create is for a Business or Person (Individual).
  3. Only if you selected originator type "Person":
    In the Beneficiary type field, select what type of beneficiary the originator will be paying, a Business or a Person .
  4. From the Destination Country dropdown list, select the country where your payment beneficiary will receive the payment.
    For an overview of all supported payout countries and currencies, see Payout network .

    United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland only:
    In the Payout Currency field, select either EUR or GBP from the drop-down list. All other countries currently support only one payout currency, hence, the payout currency is pre-selected in those cases.

  5. Select Next .
  6. Fill in all fields related to identity details and then select Next .
    • Provide the information of the business or individual on whose behalf you're making the transaction.
    • Make sure that the information you provide is accurate. Once the new originator identity is created, you can no longer edit any of the details. You will need to delete the originator identity and create a new one to change the details.
  7. Fill in all fields related to other information .
  8. Select Finish .
    This creates the new originator identity.
  9. To confirm that the new originator identity is available for selection when you create a new payment, view the list of identities by selecting Settings > Manage Originators .

Delete an originator identity

To delete an originator identity:

  1. Select Settings > Manage Originators .
  2. Locate the originator identity you want to delete and next to its entry, select Delete .
  3. In the Delete Originator window, confirm that you want to delete the originator identity by selecting Confirm .

This deletes the originator identity from your identities list and it will no longer be available for selection when you create a new payment.