Use the Ripple Payments Direct 1.0 API to get quotes, create and manage payments, and manage originator and beneficiary identities.
The Ripple Payments Direct 1.0 API offers the following environments:
Environment |
Base URL |
Test | https://{customer-name} |
Production | https://{customer-name} |
The base URL for the Ripple Payments Direct 1.0 API follows the {domainprefix}.{domain}
pattern. For the test environment, the {domainprefix}
is {customername}.test
. For the production environment, the {domainprefix}
is {customername}
Note: The following examples use aperture
as the customer name, your customer name will be different.
This is the URL format for the Ripple Payments Direct 1.0 API.
This is an example base URL for the Ripple Payments Direct 1.0 API.{path}?{parameters}
This connects to the test environment and requests a list of payments with 100 results per page.
Environment | Domain Prefix |
Domain | Base URL |
Test | aperture.test.rnc | | |
Production | aperture.rnc | | |
All Ripple Payments Direct 1.0 API operations require a Bearer access token specific to the environment you're using. Ripple provides a secure model for authentication and authorization by providing access tokens scoped for a set of credentials.
You will need your client ID and client secret to obtain an access token.
If you do not already have your client ID and client secret, do the following:
Caution: The client secret is displayed only once when you are creating new credentials. You cannot retrieve the secret after exiting this page. Copy and store the client secret securely and share it with authorized individuals in accordance with your organization's security policy.
You can now use the client ID and client secret to generate access tokens using the Request an access token operation.
To get an access token, use the Request an access token operation with your client_id
and client_secret
. The response contains a token in the access_token
We recommend rotating your API credentials at regular intervals according to your organization's security policy.
Note: Authentication tokens are not a fixed length and can vary, avoid validating tokens based on character length.
Use these API operations to manage your authentication tokens.
Operation | Method | Description |
Request an access token | POST | Request an access token for authentication with Ripple APIs. |
Test access token | GET | Test if an access token can be used for authentication. |
Request an access token for authentication with Ripple APIs.
You need to request a token for the environment you want to authenticate with.
Note: The length of the access token isn't fixed, hence it can vary. Avoid validating tokens based on character length.
Environment | Domain | Description |
Test | |
Test environment with simulated partners and simulated currency. |
Production | |
Production environment for Ripple's internal services. |
Authorization | string Optional base64-encoded If provided here they aren't required in the request body. Example: Basic ZGVtbzpwQDU1dzByZA== |
client_id required | string The client ID associated with a specific set of API credentials. See API authentication for instructions obtaining your client ID. | |||||||||
client_secret required | string The client secret associated with a specific set of API credentials. See API authentication for instructions obtaining your client secret. | |||||||||
audience required | string The value of the Format:
Example: | |||||||||
grant_type required | string Set the grant-type for this client credentials request. This must be set to |
Returns the authentication response object that includes the token, type, scopes, and expiry.
Bad Request
{- "client_id": "{YOUR_CLIENT_ID}",
- "client_secret": "{YOUR_CLIENT_SECRET}",
- "audience": "urn:ripplexcurrent-prod:{YOUR_TENANT_ID}",
- "grant_type": "client_credentials"
{- "access_token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJ",
- "scope": "identities:create identities:read identities:write quote_collections:write payments:accept payments:read routing_table:lookup",
- "expires_in": 3600,
- "token_type": "Bearer"
Use these API operations to manage your identities.
Operation | Method | Description |
List identities | GET | Get a list of existing identities. |
Create an identity | POST | Create a new identity. |
Get an identity by ID | GET | Get an identity by its unique ID. |
Delete an identity | DELETE | Delete an identity. |
Get a list of identities that match the query parameters.
Note: Depending on the number of identities in your account, not all of them may be returned even if they match your query parameters.
Requested identity info in JSON format
Array of objects (identity) The list of the identities that match the query parameters |
Invalid request
No identities found
Internal Processing Error
{- "data": [
- {
- "identityId": "2f4ac57f-c5ba-4051-b51f-b3565778717b",
- "nickName": "MyCompany",
- "createdAt": "2023-11-02T18:26:00.000Z",
- "identityType": "BENEFICIARY",
- "useCaseType": "BUSINESS"
Create a new identity.
Create a new business or institutional beneficiary identity.
required | object (pii-data-business-beneficiary) PII data for a business or institutional benficiary in JSON format. The specific properties you need to specify within the Note: The | ||||||
identityType required | string (identity-type) The type of the identity
| ||||||
nickName | string The nickname for the new identity. | ||||||
useCaseType required | string (useCaseType) The use case type for the identity
successful operation
Invalid Request
Internal Processing Error
{- "identityType": "BENEFICIARY",
- "nickName": "Successful Business Beneficiary",
- "useCaseType": "BUSINESS",
- "piiData": {
- "Cdtr": {
- "Nm": "Success Co.",
- "CtctDtls": {
- "MobNb": "+1234567890",
- "EmailAdr": ""
}, - "CtryOfRes": "AT",
- "Id": {
- "OrgId": {
- "Othr": {
- "Id": "1234567890",
- "SchmeNm": {
- "Cd": "CINC"
}, - "RelShipToDbtr": "CUST"
}, - "PstlAdr": {
- "AdrLine": [
- "1234 Business Beneficiary Ave"
], - "PstCd": "02125",
- "TwnNm": "Boston"
}, - "CdtrAcct": {
- "Ccy": "US",
- "Id": {
- "IBAN": "1234123412341234",
- "Othr": {
- "SchmeNm": {
- "Cd": "BBAN"
}, - "CdtrAgt": {
- "BrnchId": {
- "PstlAdr": {
- "Ctry": "US"
}, - "FinInstnId": {
- "Nm": "Bank of Massachusetts",
- "Othr": {
- "Id": "123456"
{- "identityId": "2f4ac57f-c5ba-4051-b51f-b3565778717b",
- "version": 2
Get an identity by its unique ID
Requested identity info in JSON format
identityId required | string The unique ID of the identity | ||||||||
identityType required | string (identity-type) The type of the identity
| ||||||||
createdAt required | string <date-time> The time at which the identity was created | ||||||||
identityState required | string (state-type) The state of the identity
| ||||||||
nickName | string The nickname of the identity provided at the time of identity creation. | ||||||||
required | object PII data in JSON format | ||||||||
version required | integer The version number of the identity |
Identity ID is not in UUID format
Invalid - identity ID does not exist
Identity ID is an invalid UUID string
{- "identityId": "2f4ac57f-c5ba-4051-b51f-b3565778717b",
- "identityType": "BENEFICIARY",
- "createdAt": "2023-11-02T18:26:00.000Z",
- "identityState": "ACTIVE",
- "nickName": "MyCompany",
- "piiData": { },
- "version": 2
Delete an identity
The identity was deleted successfully
Identity id is not of UUID format
Invalid Identity id does not exist
Unprocessable Identity Id
Internal Processing Error
{- "code": "400",
- "category": "CLIENT_ERROR",
- "title": "Bad Request",
- "detail": "Invalid request. Check your request parameters and try again.",
- "retryable": true
Use these API operations to manage your payments.
Operation | Method | Description |
Get payments | GET | Get a list of existing payments. |
Get payment by payment ID | GET | Get a specific payment by payment ID. |
Retrieves all payments that meet the criteria defined by the query parameters. You can use the query parameters to filter payments.
The default parameters are sort_field : MODIFIED_AT
, sort_direction : DESC
, page : 0
, size : 10
page | integer Default: 0 The page number for paginated results. The value is zero-based, where | ||||||||||||||
size | integer [ 1 .. 100 ] Default: 10 Number of payments to return per page. | ||||||||||||||
sending_currency | string Optional parameter to filter results based on the | ||||||||||||||
receiving_currency | string Optional parameter to filter results based on the | ||||||||||||||
internal_id | string Optional parameter to filter results based on the | ||||||||||||||
sender_end_to_end_id | string Optional parameter to filter results based on the | ||||||||||||||
states | Array of strings Returns payments in the specified states.
Example: states=ACCEPTED,EXECUTED | ||||||||||||||
before | string Before time stamp Filters for payments where the You can also specify Dependency: Required if you specify Example: | ||||||||||||||
after | string After time stamp Filters for payments where the You can also specify Dependency: Required if you specify Example: | ||||||||||||||
range_field | string Range field Designates the column name of the payments database table that is used for filtering payments before/after/between time stamps. The following options are valid:
Example usage If you specify Dependency: If you specify | ||||||||||||||
amount_range_field | string Designates the column name of the payments database table that is used for filtering payments greater/less/between amounts. For example, if you specify
Dependency: Required when | ||||||||||||||
min_amount | number >= 0 Optional parameter for filtering with min sending/receiving amount. | ||||||||||||||
max_amount | number >= 0 Optional parameter for filtering with max sending/receiving amount. | ||||||||||||||
sort_field | string Default: "MODIFIED_AT" Sorts results according to the specified field.
| ||||||||||||||
sort_direction | string Default: "DESC" Sorts result according to the specified direction.
| ||||||||||||||
payment_ids | Array of strings <uuid> List of paymentIds to search for |
Successful response
first | boolean True if this is the first page. |
last | boolean True if this is the last page. |
number | integer Page number. |
numberOfElements | integer Number of elements in this request. |
size | integer Page size. |
totalElements | integer <int64> Total number of elements for the given request. |
totalPages | integer Total number of pages for the given request. |
Array of objects (Sort) Sort details of this page. | |
Array of objects (Payment) |
Bad request.
{- "first": true,
- "last": true,
- "number": 0,
- "numberOfElements": 0,
- "size": 0,
- "totalElements": 0,
- "totalPages": 0,
- "sort": [
- {
- "direction": "ASC",
- "property": "string",
- "ignoreCase": true,
- "nullHandling": "NULLS_FIRST",
- "ascending": true,
- "descending": false
], - "content": [
- {
- "payment_id": "d485f100-2af7-4e48-9ab1-3c7e28775691",
- "contract_hash": "ccb23bd87f13cc13b9d616a9723f76e112aeac8628b2082e0f8bf3b8c670b103",
- "payment_state": "COMPLETED",
- "modified_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "contract": {
- "sender_end_to_end_id": "string",
- "created_at": "2024-03-22T15:24:19.587Z",
- "expires_at": "2024-05-21T15:13:31.275Z",
- "quote": {
- "quote_id": "2a547e56-4aac-4375-86a8-8b3e7014801d",
- "created_at": "2020-01-29T20:59:44.925Z",
- "expires_at": "2020-01-29T21:29:44.925Z",
- "type": "SENDER_AMOUNT",
- "price_guarantee": "FIRM",
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "amount": 1,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency_code_filter": "EUR",
- "service_type": "string",
- "quote_elements": [
- {
- "quote_element_id": "259189e7-cb14-42e7-99ef-375f3285e356",
- "quote_element_type": "EXCHANGE",
- "quote_element_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 1,
- "receiving_amount": 355,
- "sending_fee": 0,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": null,
- "base_currency_code": null,
- "counter_currency_code": null,
- "type": null
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string"
], - "liquidity_warning": "string",
- "payment_method": "LOCAL_RAILS",
- "payment_method_fields": "{\"category_id\":\"bank\",\"required_originator_fields\":[{\"field_name\":\"sender_address\",\"field_label\":\"Sender address\"}]}",
- "payout_method_info": {
- "payout_method_name": "Cash Payout",
- "payout_method_category": "BOOK_TRANSFER",
- "description": "local rails",
- "estimated_time_to_credit": "3 days"
}, - "fee_info": {
- "nodes": {
- "property1": [
- {
- "fee_value": null,
- "fee_currency": null,
- "category": null,
- "fee_description": null
], - "property2": [
- {
- "fee_value": null,
- "fee_currency": null,
- "category": null,
- "fee_description": null
}, - "total_fees": [
- {
- "total_fee": 0,
- "fee_currency": "string"
}, - "ripplenet_info": [
- {
- "node_address": "",
- "settlement_declined": [
- {
- "info": "L001",
- "created_at": "2018-04-06T20:33:35Z"
], - "execution_condition": "PrefixSha256Condition{subtypes=[ED25519-SHA-256], type=PREFIX-SHA-256, fingerprint=sfGGHCrkyaMsLQNB62w_4zarlPChHKm47JkXVQbs1z0, cost=132360}",
- "crypto_transaction_id": "4e05da26-7872-4a1f-b9b7-db7604757c37",
- "validator": "",
- "payment_type": "DIRECT",
- "execution_results": [
- {
- "execution_result_id": "06f6d4e2-3523-4d17-92fd-53192a06207f",
- "execution_timestamp": "2019-10-01T18:24:29.867Z",
- "execution_result_type": "TRANSFER",
- "execution_result_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 498,
- "receiving_amount": 498,
- "sending_fee": 2,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string",
- "intermediary_delta": 0.2,
- "incentive_type": "firm",
- "incentive_value": 0.2,
- "transaction_hash": 5.5467794184785867e+76,
- "venue_id": "nz7RpAujYgnQtjEM",
- "fiat_adjusted_value": 0.02,
- "odl_payment_id": "string"
], - "liquidation_execution_results": [
- {
- "execution_result_id": "06f6d4e2-3523-4d17-92fd-53192a06207f",
- "execution_timestamp": "2019-10-01T18:24:29.867Z",
- "execution_result_type": "TRANSFER",
- "execution_result_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 498,
- "receiving_amount": 498,
- "sending_fee": 2,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string",
- "intermediary_delta": 0.2,
- "incentive_type": "firm",
- "incentive_value": 0.2,
- "transaction_hash": 5.5467794184785867e+76,
- "venue_id": "nz7RpAujYgnQtjEM",
- "fiat_adjusted_value": 0.02,
- "odl_payment_id": "string"
], - "liquidation_details": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "status": "string",
- "failure_reason": "string",
- "failure_count": 0
}, - "push_forward_execution_results": [
- {
- "execution_result_id": "06f6d4e2-3523-4d17-92fd-53192a06207f",
- "execution_timestamp": "2019-10-01T18:24:29.867Z",
- "execution_result_type": "TRANSFER",
- "execution_result_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 498,
- "receiving_amount": 498,
- "sending_fee": 2,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string",
- "intermediary_delta": 0.2,
- "incentive_type": "firm",
- "incentive_value": 0.2,
- "transaction_hash": 5.5467794184785867e+76,
- "venue_id": "nz7RpAujYgnQtjEM",
- "fiat_adjusted_value": 0.02,
- "odl_payment_id": "string"
], - "accepted_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "executed_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "completed_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "internal_info": {
- "connector_role": "RECEIVING",
- "labels": [
- {
- "label": "string"
], - "internal_id": "string"
}, - "user_info": [
- {
- "node_address": "",
- "accepted": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "locked": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "lock_declined": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "retry_accept": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "retry_settlement": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "settlement": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "settlement_declined": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "failed": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "executed": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "completed": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "forwarded": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "returned": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
Gets a payment by ID.
Successfully retrieved payment.
payment_id required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of a payment. | ||||||||||||||
contract_hash required | string Hash of all values in the Contract object used to ensure immutability. The values in this object cannot change once a payment transitions into the | ||||||||||||||
payment_state required | string State of the payment.
| ||||||||||||||
modified_at required | string <date-time> Date and time at which the payment was last modified, as an ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC. | ||||||||||||||
required | object (PaymentContract) Represents all immutable parts of a payment agreed upon by all participants as a part of the payment compliance processing flow. The values in this object cannot change once a payment transitions to the | ||||||||||||||
Array of objects (RippleNetInfo) Application-provided data explaining actions taken by RippleNet applications. | |||||||||||||||
execution_condition required | string A Base64-encoded execution condition for this payment, the fulfillment of which will be presented to the validator to complete this payment. This value must match the | ||||||||||||||
crypto_transaction_id required | string Unique identifier of the crypto transaction associated with this payment. | ||||||||||||||
validator required | string Address of the validator that validated the payment. | ||||||||||||||
payment_type required | string Payment type. | ||||||||||||||
required | Array of objects (ExecutionResult) Represents the actual movement of funds in a payment. Each execution result corresponds to a quote element and represents its execution in a payment. | ||||||||||||||
Array of objects (ExecutionResult) Represents the actual movement of funds in a payment as part of liquidation of a Wallet Receive payment. | |||||||||||||||
object (LiquidationDetails) Payment liquidation details | |||||||||||||||
Array of objects (ExecutionResult) Represents the movement of funds after an On-Demand Liquidity payment fails at intermediary transfer or destination exchange. | |||||||||||||||
accepted_at required | string <date-time> Date and time at which the payment was last accepted, as an ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC. | ||||||||||||||
executed_at | string <date-time> Date and time at which the payment was last executed, as an ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC. | ||||||||||||||
completed_at | string <date-time> Date and time at which the payment was last completed, as an ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC. | ||||||||||||||
required | object (InternalInfo) JSON object containing information that only the RippleNet instance that set it can view. These values can be set by the sender when accepting a payment and by an intermediary or receiver when locking the payment. | ||||||||||||||
required | Array of objects (UserInfo) User-provided data with arbitrary key/value pairs. |
Bad request.
Payment not found.
{- "payment_id": "d485f100-2af7-4e48-9ab1-3c7e28775691",
- "contract_hash": "ccb23bd87f13cc13b9d616a9723f76e112aeac8628b2082e0f8bf3b8c670b103",
- "payment_state": "COMPLETED",
- "modified_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "contract": {
- "sender_end_to_end_id": "string",
- "created_at": "2024-03-22T15:24:19.587Z",
- "expires_at": "2024-05-21T15:13:31.275Z",
- "quote": {
- "quote_id": "2a547e56-4aac-4375-86a8-8b3e7014801d",
- "created_at": "2020-01-29T20:59:44.925Z",
- "expires_at": "2020-01-29T21:29:44.925Z",
- "type": "SENDER_AMOUNT",
- "price_guarantee": "FIRM",
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "amount": 1,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency_code_filter": "EUR",
- "service_type": "string",
- "quote_elements": [
- {
- "quote_element_id": "259189e7-cb14-42e7-99ef-375f3285e356",
- "quote_element_type": "EXCHANGE",
- "quote_element_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 1,
- "receiving_amount": 355,
- "sending_fee": 0,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string"
], - "liquidity_warning": "string",
- "payment_method": "LOCAL_RAILS",
- "payment_method_fields": "{\"category_id\":\"bank\",\"required_originator_fields\":[{\"field_name\":\"sender_address\",\"field_label\":\"Sender address\"}]}",
- "payout_method_info": {
- "payout_method_name": "Cash Payout",
- "payout_method_category": "BOOK_TRANSFER",
- "description": "local rails",
- "estimated_time_to_credit": "3 days"
}, - "fee_info": {
- "nodes": {
- "property1": [
- {
- "fee_value": 0,
- "fee_currency": "string",
- "category": "string",
- "fee_description": "string"
], - "property2": [
- {
- "fee_value": 0,
- "fee_currency": "string",
- "category": "string",
- "fee_description": "string"
}, - "total_fees": [
- {
- "total_fee": 0,
- "fee_currency": "string"
}, - "ripplenet_info": [
- {
- "node_address": "",
- "settlement_declined": [
- {
- "info": "L001",
- "created_at": "2018-04-06T20:33:35Z"
], - "execution_condition": "PrefixSha256Condition{subtypes=[ED25519-SHA-256], type=PREFIX-SHA-256, fingerprint=sfGGHCrkyaMsLQNB62w_4zarlPChHKm47JkXVQbs1z0, cost=132360}",
- "crypto_transaction_id": "4e05da26-7872-4a1f-b9b7-db7604757c37",
- "validator": "",
- "payment_type": "DIRECT",
- "execution_results": [
- {
- "execution_result_id": "06f6d4e2-3523-4d17-92fd-53192a06207f",
- "execution_timestamp": "2019-10-01T18:24:29.867Z",
- "execution_result_type": "TRANSFER",
- "execution_result_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 498,
- "receiving_amount": 498,
- "sending_fee": 2,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string",
- "intermediary_delta": 0.2,
- "incentive_type": "firm",
- "incentive_value": 0.2,
- "transaction_hash": 5.5467794184785867e+76,
- "venue_id": "nz7RpAujYgnQtjEM",
- "fiat_adjusted_value": 0.02,
- "odl_payment_id": "string"
], - "liquidation_execution_results": [
- {
- "execution_result_id": "06f6d4e2-3523-4d17-92fd-53192a06207f",
- "execution_timestamp": "2019-10-01T18:24:29.867Z",
- "execution_result_type": "TRANSFER",
- "execution_result_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 498,
- "receiving_amount": 498,
- "sending_fee": 2,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string",
- "intermediary_delta": 0.2,
- "incentive_type": "firm",
- "incentive_value": 0.2,
- "transaction_hash": 5.5467794184785867e+76,
- "venue_id": "nz7RpAujYgnQtjEM",
- "fiat_adjusted_value": 0.02,
- "odl_payment_id": "string"
], - "liquidation_details": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "status": "string",
- "failure_reason": "string",
- "failure_count": 0
}, - "push_forward_execution_results": [
- {
- "execution_result_id": "06f6d4e2-3523-4d17-92fd-53192a06207f",
- "execution_timestamp": "2019-10-01T18:24:29.867Z",
- "execution_result_type": "TRANSFER",
- "execution_result_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 498,
- "receiving_amount": 498,
- "sending_fee": 2,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string",
- "intermediary_delta": 0.2,
- "incentive_type": "firm",
- "incentive_value": 0.2,
- "transaction_hash": 5.5467794184785867e+76,
- "venue_id": "nz7RpAujYgnQtjEM",
- "fiat_adjusted_value": 0.02,
- "odl_payment_id": "string"
], - "accepted_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "executed_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "completed_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "internal_info": {
- "connector_role": "RECEIVING",
- "labels": [
- {
- "label": "string"
], - "internal_id": "string"
}, - "user_info": [
- {
- "node_address": "",
- "accepted": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "locked": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "lock_declined": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "retry_accept": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "retry_settlement": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "settlement": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "settlement_declined": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "failed": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "executed": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "completed": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "forwarded": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "returned": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
Use these API operations to manage your quotes.
Operation | Method | Description |
Accept quote | POST | Accepts a quote ID to start the payment process. |
Create quote collection | POST | Create a collection of quotes. |
Accepts a quote ID to start the payment process.
The JSON object to include in your request to accept a quote that you want to advance as a payment.
quote_id required | string <uuid> ID of the quote to accept and continue as a payment. |
sender_end_to_end_id required | string <= 128 characters Sender-specified ID. |
internal_id | string <= 128 characters Internal ID that the sender can specify. Only visible to the sender. Only the sending RippleNet instance stores this ID. |
user_info required | object Your receiver defines the required User info structure. Provide the structure as required by your use case. |
Successfully accepted quote resulting in a payment object in ACCEPTED
payment_id required | string <uuid> Unique identifier of a payment. | ||||||||||||||
contract_hash required | string Hash of all values in the Contract object used to ensure immutability. The values in this object cannot change once a payment transitions into the | ||||||||||||||
payment_state required | string State of the payment.
| ||||||||||||||
modified_at required | string <date-time> Date and time at which the payment was last modified, as an ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC. | ||||||||||||||
required | object (PaymentContract) Represents all immutable parts of a payment agreed upon by all participants as a part of the payment compliance processing flow. The values in this object cannot change once a payment transitions to the | ||||||||||||||
Array of objects (RippleNetInfo) Application-provided data explaining actions taken by RippleNet applications. | |||||||||||||||
execution_condition required | string A Base64-encoded execution condition for this payment, the fulfillment of which will be presented to the validator to complete this payment. This value must match the | ||||||||||||||
crypto_transaction_id required | string Unique identifier of the crypto transaction associated with this payment. | ||||||||||||||
validator required | string Address of the validator that validated the payment. | ||||||||||||||
payment_type required | string Payment type. | ||||||||||||||
required | Array of objects (ExecutionResult) Represents the actual movement of funds in a payment. Each execution result corresponds to a quote element and represents its execution in a payment. | ||||||||||||||
Array of objects (ExecutionResult) Represents the actual movement of funds in a payment as part of liquidation of a Wallet Receive payment. | |||||||||||||||
object (LiquidationDetails) Payment liquidation details | |||||||||||||||
Array of objects (ExecutionResult) Represents the movement of funds after an On-Demand Liquidity payment fails at intermediary transfer or destination exchange. | |||||||||||||||
accepted_at required | string <date-time> Date and time at which the payment was last accepted, as an ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC. | ||||||||||||||
executed_at | string <date-time> Date and time at which the payment was last executed, as an ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC. | ||||||||||||||
completed_at | string <date-time> Date and time at which the payment was last completed, as an ISO-8601 timestamp in UTC. | ||||||||||||||
required | object (InternalInfo) JSON object containing information that only the RippleNet instance that set it can view. These values can be set by the sender when accepting a payment and by an intermediary or receiver when locking the payment. | ||||||||||||||
required | Array of objects (UserInfo) User-provided data with arbitrary key/value pairs. |
Quote expiry has passed.
{- "quote_id": "9bb53b3b-a774-43e2-9a1b-f18fbc3640f7",
- "sender_end_to_end_id": "string",
- "internal_id": "string",
- "user_info": { }
{- "payment_id": "d485f100-2af7-4e48-9ab1-3c7e28775691",
- "contract_hash": "ccb23bd87f13cc13b9d616a9723f76e112aeac8628b2082e0f8bf3b8c670b103",
- "payment_state": "COMPLETED",
- "modified_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "contract": {
- "sender_end_to_end_id": "string",
- "created_at": "2024-03-22T15:24:19.587Z",
- "expires_at": "2024-05-21T15:13:31.275Z",
- "quote": {
- "quote_id": "2a547e56-4aac-4375-86a8-8b3e7014801d",
- "created_at": "2020-01-29T20:59:44.925Z",
- "expires_at": "2020-01-29T21:29:44.925Z",
- "type": "SENDER_AMOUNT",
- "price_guarantee": "FIRM",
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "amount": 1,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency_code_filter": "EUR",
- "service_type": "string",
- "quote_elements": [
- {
- "quote_element_id": "259189e7-cb14-42e7-99ef-375f3285e356",
- "quote_element_type": "EXCHANGE",
- "quote_element_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 1,
- "receiving_amount": 355,
- "sending_fee": 0,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string"
], - "liquidity_warning": "string",
- "payment_method": "LOCAL_RAILS",
- "payment_method_fields": "{\"category_id\":\"bank\",\"required_originator_fields\":[{\"field_name\":\"sender_address\",\"field_label\":\"Sender address\"}]}",
- "payout_method_info": {
- "payout_method_name": "Cash Payout",
- "payout_method_category": "BOOK_TRANSFER",
- "description": "local rails",
- "estimated_time_to_credit": "3 days"
}, - "fee_info": {
- "nodes": {
- "property1": [
- {
- "fee_value": 0,
- "fee_currency": "string",
- "category": "string",
- "fee_description": "string"
], - "property2": [
- {
- "fee_value": 0,
- "fee_currency": "string",
- "category": "string",
- "fee_description": "string"
}, - "total_fees": [
- {
- "total_fee": 0,
- "fee_currency": "string"
}, - "ripplenet_info": [
- {
- "node_address": "",
- "settlement_declined": [
- {
- "info": "L001",
- "created_at": "2018-04-06T20:33:35Z"
], - "execution_condition": "PrefixSha256Condition{subtypes=[ED25519-SHA-256], type=PREFIX-SHA-256, fingerprint=sfGGHCrkyaMsLQNB62w_4zarlPChHKm47JkXVQbs1z0, cost=132360}",
- "crypto_transaction_id": "4e05da26-7872-4a1f-b9b7-db7604757c37",
- "validator": "",
- "payment_type": "DIRECT",
- "execution_results": [
- {
- "execution_result_id": "06f6d4e2-3523-4d17-92fd-53192a06207f",
- "execution_timestamp": "2019-10-01T18:24:29.867Z",
- "execution_result_type": "TRANSFER",
- "execution_result_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 498,
- "receiving_amount": 498,
- "sending_fee": 2,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string",
- "intermediary_delta": 0.2,
- "incentive_type": "firm",
- "incentive_value": 0.2,
- "transaction_hash": 5.5467794184785867e+76,
- "venue_id": "nz7RpAujYgnQtjEM",
- "fiat_adjusted_value": 0.02,
- "odl_payment_id": "string"
], - "liquidation_execution_results": [
- {
- "execution_result_id": "06f6d4e2-3523-4d17-92fd-53192a06207f",
- "execution_timestamp": "2019-10-01T18:24:29.867Z",
- "execution_result_type": "TRANSFER",
- "execution_result_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 498,
- "receiving_amount": 498,
- "sending_fee": 2,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string",
- "intermediary_delta": 0.2,
- "incentive_type": "firm",
- "incentive_value": 0.2,
- "transaction_hash": 5.5467794184785867e+76,
- "venue_id": "nz7RpAujYgnQtjEM",
- "fiat_adjusted_value": 0.02,
- "odl_payment_id": "string"
], - "liquidation_details": {
- "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "status": "string",
- "failure_reason": "string",
- "failure_count": 0
}, - "push_forward_execution_results": [
- {
- "execution_result_id": "06f6d4e2-3523-4d17-92fd-53192a06207f",
- "execution_timestamp": "2019-10-01T18:24:29.867Z",
- "execution_result_type": "TRANSFER",
- "execution_result_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 498,
- "receiving_amount": 498,
- "sending_fee": 2,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string",
- "intermediary_delta": 0.2,
- "incentive_type": "firm",
- "incentive_value": 0.2,
- "transaction_hash": 5.5467794184785867e+76,
- "venue_id": "nz7RpAujYgnQtjEM",
- "fiat_adjusted_value": 0.02,
- "odl_payment_id": "string"
], - "accepted_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "executed_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "completed_at": "2019-10-01T18:25:47.347Z",
- "internal_info": {
- "connector_role": "RECEIVING",
- "labels": [
- {
- "label": "string"
], - "internal_id": "string"
}, - "user_info": [
- {
- "node_address": "",
- "accepted": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "locked": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "lock_declined": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "retry_accept": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "retry_settlement": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "settlement": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "settlement_declined": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "failed": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "executed": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "completed": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "forwarded": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
], - "returned": [
- {
- "json": { },
- "created_at": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "subState": "EXECUTING"
Creates a collection of quotes for a proposed payment.
sending_address required | string RippleNet account name and address of the sender, in the format | ||||||||||
receiving_address required | string Account name of the receiving institution. | ||||||||||
amount required | number [ 1 .. 100000000 ] Amount to be sent or received, depending on the Use this table to determine what Example:
| ||||||||||
currency required | string = 3 characters Currency code of the amount to be sent or received, depending on the Use this table to determine what Example:
| ||||||||||
quote_type required | string Specifies how to calculate the quote. Example:
| ||||||||||
sender_or_receiver_currency | string Currency code of the sender or receiver based on If provided, you can use this to filter the options for quotes. Example: | ||||||||||
payment_method | string Payout method for the quote. Note: The value must match the value of Caution: The existing quote parameter is named | ||||||||||
quote_limit | integer Flag for truncating the total amount of quotes to a maximum amount after sorting and filters are applied. Optional. | ||||||||||
quote_filter_types | Array of strings
{- "sending_address": "",
- "receiving_address": "rn.sgp.tranglo",
- "amount": 1,
- "currency": "USD",
- "quote_type": "SENDER_AMOUNT",
- "sender_or_receiver_currency": "USD",
- "payment_method": "string",
- "quote_limit": 0,
- "quote_filter_types": [
{- "quote_collection_id": "4711728c-cd35-49ec-96a5-72732b4333ec",
- "quotes": [
- {
- "quote_id": "2a547e56-4aac-4375-86a8-8b3e7014801d",
- "created_at": "2020-01-29T20:59:44.925Z",
- "expires_at": "2020-01-29T21:29:44.925Z",
- "type": "SENDER_AMOUNT",
- "price_guarantee": "FIRM",
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "amount": 1,
- "currency_code": "USD",
- "currency_code_filter": "EUR",
- "service_type": "string",
- "quote_elements": [
- {
- "quote_element_id": "259189e7-cb14-42e7-99ef-375f3285e356",
- "quote_element_type": "EXCHANGE",
- "quote_element_order": 1,
- "sender_address": "",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "sending_amount": 1,
- "receiving_amount": 355,
- "sending_fee": 0,
- "receiving_fee": 0,
- "sending_currency_code": "USD",
- "receiving_currency_code": "GBP",
- "fx_rate": {
- "rate": 3.25,
- "base_currency_code": "string",
- "counter_currency_code": "string",
- "type": "string"
}, - "transfer_currency_code": "string"
], - "liquidity_warning": "string",
- "payment_method": "LOCAL_RAILS",
- "payment_method_fields": "{\"category_id\":\"bank\",\"required_originator_fields\":[{\"field_name\":\"sender_address\",\"field_label\":\"Sender address\"}]}",
- "payout_method_info": {
- "payout_method_name": "Cash Payout",
- "payout_method_category": "BOOK_TRANSFER",
- "description": "local rails",
- "estimated_time_to_credit": "3 days"
], - "quote_errors": [
- {
- "failed_path": [
- {
- "source": "string",
- "destination": "string",
- "source_currency": "string",
- "destination_currency": "string",
- "account_liquidity_relationship_id": "480e3a6f-3bcd-48cd-9ce9-9d940aa3c9c6",
- "peer_liquidity_relationship_id": "480e3a6f-3bcd-48cd-9ce9-9d940aa3c9c6"
], - "error_origin": "string",
- "error_message": "string"
Use this API operation to look up a payout method.
Operation | Method | Description |
Get payout method | GET | Look up a payout method. |
Look up the payout method based on the beneficiary's country.
country_code required | string The ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code of the country in which the payment beneficiary is located. Example: country_code=DE |
payout_currency_code | string The ISO 4217 Currency Code of the currency in which the beneficiary will be paid out. Example: payout_currency_code=EUR |
payment_method required | string The payment method used to pay out the beneficiary. |
Destination lookup completed successfully
id | string <uuid> The ID of the routing table entry that matches the parameter values specified in the request. |
destination_address | string The destination RippleNet address. |
payout_method | string The payout method based on the payout country and currency. Note: Use the value of this field as the value for the |
{- "id": "235b9711-cf8c-44ea-85aa-11dbbfcfde8b",
- "destination_address": "rn.sgp.tranglo",
- "payout_method": "CSM_EU_EUR_SEPA"
Use this API operation to get the data required for making a payout using a specific currency.
Operation | Method | Description |
Get data requirements | GET | Retrieve data requirements. |
Returns the fields required to make a payout using the given payout method.
payout-country required | string The beneficiary's country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code format. Example: payout-country=AT | ||||||||||||||
use-case required | string The use case for the payment.
| ||||||||||||||
payout-currency required | string^[A-Z]{3,4}$ The beneficiary's account currency in ISO-4217 alpha-3 code format. Example: payout-currency=EUR | ||||||||||||||
payout-category required | string The payout category for the payment. This field corresponds to Example: payout-category=BANK | ||||||||||||||
partner-name required | string The name of Ripple's payout partner. Please reach out to your Ripple liasion to get the value. | ||||||||||||||
field-category required | string Field category specifies the type of party involved in the transaction.
Example: field-category=BENEFICIARY | ||||||||||||||
flow required | string The only supported value is Example: flow=RPD |
Returns all the data requirements for the payout method identified by its id
supportedUseCase required | string The use case for the payment. |
payoutCountry required | string The beneficiary's country in ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 code format. |
payoutCurrency required | string The beneficiary's account currency in ISO-4217 alpha-3 code format. |
payoutMethodName | string The payout method determined using the provided data. |
required | Array of objects (DataRequirement) |
Response when authentication of the request fails
Response when the principal identified by the authorization header doesn't have enough scopes to perform this operation
Resource not found
Internal server error
{- "dataRequirements": [
- {
- "fieldCategory": "ORIGINATOR",
- "fieldName": "Dbtr.Nm",
- "fieldType": "REQUIRED",
- "fieldDataType": "STRING",
- "fieldMinLength": 2,
- "fieldMaxLength": 100,
- "fieldDescription": "Business originator's name",
- "fieldHelpText": "The business originator's legal name."
}, - {
- "fieldCategory": "BENEFICIARY",
- "fieldName": "CdtrAgt.FinInstnId.Nm",
- "fieldType": "REQUIRED",
- "fieldDataType": "STRING",
- "fieldMinLength": 0,
- "fieldMaxLength": 50,
- "fieldDescription": "Beneficiary's bank name",
- "fieldHelpText": "Name by which the party is known and which is usually used to identify the party."
], - "payoutCountry": "AT",
- "payoutCurrency": "EUR",
- "payoutMethodName": "sepa",
- "supportedUseCase": "B2B"
Use these API operations to get payment reports.
Operation | Method | Description |
List reports | GET | Returns an array of reports available for download. |
Create a report | POST | Create a report. |
Get a report | GET | Get the download link for a specific report. |
Delete a report | DELETE | Delete a specific report. |
Download a report | GET | Download a transaction report. |
Returns an array of reports available for download. Each array element represents an available report, and contains the reportId
, reportType
, and reportFormat
fields associated with that report.
To get the download link for a specific report, store the reportId
for the report you want, and use it with the Get a report operation.
created-by | string (CreatedByEnum) Query for report types based on the entity that initiated report creation.
Example: created-by=USER |
Returns an array of report metadata for the calling tenant
required | Array of objects (ReportMetadata) >= 0 items |
Bad Report Request
{- "reports": [
- {
- "reportId": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "reportName": "My custom report",
- "reportType": "PAYMENT_OPS",
- "reportFormat": "CSV",
- "reportStatus": "READY",
- "startDate": "2018-04-06T20:33:35Z",
- "endDate": "2018-04-06T20:33:35Z",
- "createdOn": "2018-04-06T20:33:35Z",
- "reportCreatedBy": "Norma Jean"
Request the generation of a custom report based on the specified parameters.
Report duration
Reports can contain up to 90 days of transactions from the previous 9 months.
Reports are retained for 6 months after the endDate
specified in your request. After this period, the report is purged and will no longer be accessible.
Parameters defining the requested report
reportName required | string (report_name) [ 1 .. 256 ] characters User defined name of the report. | ||||||
startDate required | string <date-time> The ISO-8601 start date (inclusive) for the requested report. | ||||||
endDate required | string <date-time> The ISO-8601 end date (inclusive) for the requested report. Note: Must be after | ||||||
reportType required | string (ReportTypeEnum) The report type of the downloadable report.
| ||||||
reportFormat required | string (ReportFormatEnum) The report format of the downloadable report.
Returns the JSON record for the posted report
reportId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier for a report. | ||||||||||
reportName | string (report_name) [ 1 .. 256 ] characters User defined name of the report. | ||||||||||
reportType required | string (ReportTypeEnum) The report type of the downloadable report.
| ||||||||||
reportFormat required | string (ReportFormatEnum) The report format of the downloadable report.
| ||||||||||
reportStatus required | string (ReportStatusEnum) The status of the report.
| ||||||||||
startDate required | string <date-time> The ISO-8601 start date (inclusive) of the report. | ||||||||||
endDate required | string <date-time> The ISO-8601 end date (inclusive) of the report. Note: Must be after | ||||||||||
createdOn | string <date-time> (report_created_on) Report creation time |
Bad Report Request
{- "reportName": "My custom report",
- "startDate": "2018-04-06T19:33:35Z",
- "endDate": "2018-04-06T20:33:35Z",
- "reportType": "PAYMENT_OPS",
- "reportFormat": "CSV"
{- "reportId": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "reportName": "My custom report",
- "reportType": "PAYMENT_OPS",
- "reportFormat": "CSV",
- "reportStatus": "READY",
- "startDate": "2018-04-06T19:33:35Z",
- "endDate": "2018-04-06T20:33:35Z",
- "createdOn": "2018-04-06T20:33:35Z"
Here, you apply the report-id
from the List reports operation as the path parameter to get a downloadlink
containing the report.
Download the report at the link in the downloadLink
field in the response.
Returns the JSON record of the report specified in the path parameter
reportId required | string <uuid> Unique identifier for a report. | ||||||||||
reportName | string (report_name) [ 1 .. 256 ] characters User defined name of the report. | ||||||||||
reportType required | string (ReportTypeEnum) The report type of the downloadable report.
| ||||||||||
reportFormat required | string (ReportFormatEnum) The report format of the downloadable report.
| ||||||||||
reportStatus required | string (ReportStatusEnum) The status of the report.
| ||||||||||
startDate required | string <date-time> The ISO-8601 start date (inclusive) for a requested report. | ||||||||||
endDate required | string <date-time> The ISO-8601 end date (inclusive) for the requested report. Note: Must be after | ||||||||||
createdOn | string <date-time> (report_created_on) Report creation time | ||||||||||
downloadLink | string <uri> [ 1 .. 2048 ] characters Link where you can download the report in the available format. This field is available when the report | ||||||||||
reportCreatedBy | string (ReportCreatedBy) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters Identifies the entity that initiated the report creation.
Bad request
Not found
{- "reportId": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
- "reportName": "My custom report",
- "reportType": "PAYMENT_OPS",
- "reportFormat": "CSV",
- "reportStatus": "READY",
- "startDate": "2018-04-06T19:33:35Z",
- "endDate": "2018-04-06T20:33:35Z",
- "createdOn": "2018-04-06T20:33:35Z",
- "reportCreatedBy": "Norma Jean"
Download a transaction report. Download the report by applying the report-id
from the List reports operation as a path parameter.
report-id required | string <uuid> Unique identifier for a report. Get this Example: 497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08 |
Returns the JSON record of the report specified in the path parameter.
end_to_end_id | string (end_to_end_id) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters The unique ID that the sender specifies. It persists on all RippleNet instances that participate in the payment. |
ripplenet_payment_id | string (ripplenet_payment_id) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters The unique payment identifier. |
quote_ts | string <date-time> The ISO-8601 timestamp of the quote. |
created_at | string <date-time> The ISO-8601 timestamp when the transaction was created. |
executed_at | string <date-time> The ISO-8601 timestamp when the payment was settled. |
sender_address | string (sender_address) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters RippleNet account name and address of the sender, in the format |
sender_customer | string (sender_customer) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters The name of the sending institution. |
sent_amount | number (sent_amount) The payment amount sent. |
sent_currency | string (sent_currency) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters The ISO 4217 currency code of the of |
receiver_address | string (receiver_address) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters RippleNet account name and address of the receiver, in the format |
receiver_customer | string (receiver_customer) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters Name of the receiving institution. |
received_amount | number (received_amount) The payment amount received by the beneficiary. |
received_currency | string (received_currency) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters The ISO 4217 currency code of the |
payment_method | string (payment_method) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters [Sender only] Method for completing the payment. This is a freeform text field that accepts custom strings for payment methods, for example:
Or you can use RippleNet payment method values:
payment_state | string (payment_state) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters The state of a payment at the moment it is queried. |
remitter_name | string (remitter_name) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters Complete name of the person originating the payment. Note: Values are only viewable by the customer requesting the report. |
remitter_account | string (remitter_account) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters Account number at the sending institution for the payment remitter. Note: Values are only viewable by the customer requesting the report. |
beneficiary_name | string (beneficiary_name) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters Complete name of the person receiving the payment. Note: Values are only viewable by the customer requesting the report. |
beneficiary_account | string (beneficiary_account) [ 1 .. 128 ] characters Account number at the receiving institution for the payment beneficiary. Note: Values are only viewable by the customer requesting the report. |
payment_batch_id | string (payment_batch_id) [ 1 .. 36 ] characters Unique identifier for a batch of payments. Note: This field is only populated for payments that are part of a batch. |
The contents of the report are empty
Bad request
Not found
{- "end_to_end_id": "string",
- "ripplenet_payment_id": "70eccd4f-abcd-1234-a655-3aeddff19e4a",
- "quote_ts": "2019-08-24T14:15:22Z",
- "created_at": "2022-10-02T20:57:13.606Z",
- "executed_at": "2022-10-02T20:57:20.62Z",
- "sender_address": "",
- "sender_customer": "examplecorp_sf",
- "sent_amount": 40,
- "sent_currency": "USD",
- "receiver_address": "",
- "receiver_customer": "sf",
- "received_amount": 39.45,
- "received_currency": "PHP",
- "payment_method": "CSM_TH_THB",
- "payment_state": "COMPLETED",
- "remitter_name": "string",
- "remitter_account": "string",
- "beneficiary_name": "string",
- "beneficiary_account": "string",
- "payment_batch_id": "497f6eca-1234-5678-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08"