
The Reports page allows you to view and download Payment Operation reports and invoices for your payments. For more information, see the following sections.

Payment Operations

The Payment Operations tab on the Reports page displays a list of Payment Operation reports and information about each report. On this tab you can also download a Payment Operations report as a JSON or CSV file.

Reports page Payment Operations

Payment Operations reports list

Each column in the Payment Operations reports list provides specific information about the payment operations report.

Column Description
Report The unique name and number assigned to the report when it was created.
Period (UTC) The time period for the payments covered in this Payment Operations report.
Invoice download Click to download the Payment Operations report in either JSON or CSV file format.


The Invoices tab on the Reports page displays a list of invoices and information about each invoice, such as the invoice status (paid, partially paid, or not paid). On this tab you can

  • Download an invoice as a PDF file. In certain cases, you can also download the invoice as an e-file (CSV file format) or a summary file (XLSX file format)
  • Sort the invoices by different columns
  • Copy the invoice ID

Reports page Invoices

Invoices list

Each column in the invoices list provides specific information about the invoice. Click the column name to sort the invoices accordingly.

Column Description
Invoice ID
Copy icon
The unique ID assigned to the invoice when it was created.
To copy the invoice ID, click the copy icon next to the ID.
Invoice Period The time period for the payments covered in this invoice.
Invoice Date The date when the invoice was created.
Due Date The date when the total invoice amount is due.
Invoice Total The total amount of the invoice.
Amount Due The amount due. This can be either the total amount or a partial amount depending on the invoice's Status.
Status The invoice status indicating whether the invoice has been
  • paid, in which case Amount due shows 0
  • partially paid, in which case Amount due shows the remaining amount you need to pay
  • not paid, in which case Amount due shows the same as Invoice Total, which you need to pay
  • Invoice download Click to download the invoice in either PDF, e-file, or summary file format.

    For questions or concerns about an invoice, contact your Ripple liaison.

    PDF invoice

    The upper left side of the PDF invoice shows the following information:

    • Invoice ID , for example RIN543037
    • Invoice Date using the MM-DD-YYYY format, for example 04/09/2023
    • Payment Term specifying the due date terms of the invoice, for example Due On Receipt
    • Due Date using the MM-DD-YYYY format, for example 04/13/2024

    The upper right side of the PDF invoice shows the following information:

    • Name, address, and e-mail address of the invoice sender
    • Name and address of the invoice receiver

    The middle of the PDF invoice shows the charge summary which includes the following information:

    Column Description Example
    Product Name The name of the product including the specific item. RPD Txn.

    Txn = Transaction
    Memo The description of the product item. RPD Txn EUR.
    Start Date The first day of usage for the product item covered in the invoice using the MM/DD/YYYY format. 4/7/2024
    End Date The last day of usage for the product item covered in the invoice using the MM/DD/YYYY format. 4/8/2024
    Qty The quantity of the product item specified under Product Name. 1980
    Rate The price (in the receiver currency) of one product item specified under Product Name. € 0.4492
    Amount The amount of the product item, calculated by multiplying Qty with Rate. € 889.50

    The charge summary also includes the subtotal and total for all product items as specified under Product Name.