API credentials

Ripple Payments API calls require Bearer authentication tokens that you retrieve from the authentication operation using API credentials.

API Credentials page


Each environment can have up to three credentials.

New credential

To create an API credential:

  1. Select API Credentials in the Integration category of the Settings page.
  2. Click New Credential .
  3. Enter a name for your new credential.

    API credential dialog box

  4. Click Save & Generate Key .

    Ripple Payments UI presents a dialog box with the client ID and audience that you’ll use with the credential along with the credential.

    API credential details


    Copy the credential and store it in a secure location to use with API calls. You won’t be able to view it again.

  5. To finish credential creation, click Close.

Rotate credential

Rotating credentials is the process of changing your password and replacing your cryptographic key for accessing RippleNet.

To rotate your RippleNet credential:

  1. Select Rotate Credential from the dropdown menu in the credential card and confirm your choice.

    API credential details

  2. Click Rotate Credential to confirm.

    API credential details

  3. Once again, copy the credential and store it in a secure location because you won’t be able to view it later.