Payment details
The Payment Details page provides comprehensive information about a specific payment. To view the Payment details, click the payment ID in the payments list. The top of the Payment details page displays the payment ID and the environment in which the payment exists.
The Payment details page consists of three tabs:
Payment Details tab
The Payment Details tab presents important parts of the payment’s event trail in graphic form:
- The chain of events on the left shows each step in the flow of funds that has occurred in payment thus far.
- The payment hopper on the right shows each payment state transition and the elapsed time between them. Changes in green show successful states, changes in red show stalled or failed states.
Payment Object JSON tab
The Payment Object JSON tab displays the full text of the payment instruction, a required subset of the RippleNet payment object (RPO).
Event Trail JSON tab
The Event Trail JSON tab displays the full text of the JSON file that defines the event trail associated with the payment.