Base URLs

Ripple makes RESTful APIs available to integrate, manage and interact with Ripple products and services. To use these APIs, you need to use the correct base URL. A base URL is part of a well-formed REST URL.

To form the final API request, append the necessary version, path, resource, and parameters to the base URL.

All environments use unique base URLs

For more information on the correct base URL for the API environment you interact with, see Base URL by API environment.

Components of a base URL

A base URL includes the HTTPS protocol, the [domainPrefix] if required, and the domain. A [domainPrefix] refers to a segment of the base URL that's variable depending on the API and environment.

Tenant IDs

Your tenant ID is provided during the onboarding process. Contact your Ripple liaison for assistance.

The examples on this page use the tenant ID aperture for demonstration purposes.


This example uses aperture for the tenant in the test environment using the Ripple Payments API:

URL formatExample URL

The following table describes each component of a complete API request:

Example value
Protocol https Ripple uses the HTTPS protocol for all APIs.
Domain Prefix aperture.test Domain prefix requirements vary between APIs and environments.
Verify the prefix requirements used with your API environment.

Prefixes can contain:
  • Tenant: Your tenant ID is provided during the onboarding process. Contact your support team for assistance.
  • Env: This is the value of the API environment you are planning to use.

Example: The Ripple Payments API requires a {tenant}.{env} configuration. The demonstration tenant ID is set to aperture and the environment is set to test.
Domain The domain is unique for each API.

This example targets the Ripple Payments API and uses the domain.
Path /v4/payments The path is appended to the base URL to reach the endpoint for the API operation.

This example targets the Ripple Payments API and uses the /v4/payments endpoint.
Parameters page=0&size=100 Apply any required or optional query parameters for your API operation.

This example uses pagination to start on the first page with 100 results per page.

Base URL by API environment

The [domainPrefix] of the base URL is unique to both an API and the environment in which you use the API.

You can use Ripple APIs in the following environments:

  • Test : Simulated partners and simulated currency.
  • Production : Production environment with actual partners and currency.
Tokens are unique per environment

In addition to unique base URLs, access tokens are also unique per environment. Be sure to request the access token for the desired environment.

Base URL for Ripple Payments API

The Ripple Payments API creates a dynamic [domainPrefix] that consists of {tenant}.{environment}. For more information, see the Ripple Payments API.

Note: The following examples use aperture as the tenant, your tenant ID will be different.

URL Format Example Base URL Example fully-qualified URL 

# This is the URL format for the {{process.env.VAR_RP}} API.

# This is the base URL for the {{process.env.VAR_RP}} API.

# This connects to the test environment and requests a list of payments with 100 results per page.
Domain Prefix
Domain Base URL
Test aperture.test.rnc
Production aperture.rnc