Building the payment request body

When you call the POST /v2/payments operation to create a payment, you must include a request body containing required payment information. The request body contains information such as the beneficiary identity and the purpose of the payment.

The following sections walk you through building an example payment request body.

The payment request body

The payment request body accepts key-value pairs in the JSON format.

To successfully create a payment, you must include all required properties depending on the type of payment you want to make:

  • Always specify the quoteId and beneficiaryIdentityId properties.
  • If you're making a payment on behalf of a business, include the originatorIdentityId property.
  • You can optionally include the internalId , purposeCode , and sourceOfCash properties.

The following tabs show sample payment request body for each type of payment:

Individual/Business paymentThird-party payment
  "quoteId": "7ea3399c-1234-5678-8d8f-d320ea406630",
  "beneficiaryIdentityId": "11111111-abcd-2222-efgh-333333333333",
  "sourceOfCash": "SVGS",
  "purposeCode": "OTHR"
  "quoteId": "7ea3399c-1234-5678-8d8f-d320ea406630",
  "originatorIdentityId": "12345678-abcd-1234-abcd-123456789123",
  "beneficiaryIdentityId": "11111111-abcd-2222-efgh-333333333333",
  "sourceOfCash": "SVGS",
  "purposeCode": "OTHR"

The following sections provide more details about each property.


This property identifies the quote that you previously fetched and want to execute to send the payment.

The response from the POST /v2/quotes/quote-collection operation contains a quote object that's uniquely identified by its quoteId value. This is the value you must specify in the request body of your POST /v2/payments call.


This property identifies the beneficiary of this payment. The value of this property is the identityId of an existing beneficiary.

To get a beneficiary's identity ID, call the GET /v2/identities operation with the query parameter identityType set to BENEFICIARY. You can get the beneficiary's identityId from the response. For more information, see the Get an identity tutorial .


This property identifies the party that originates the payment. The value of this property is the identityId of an existing originator.


You need to provide the originatorIdentityId only if you are originating a payment on behalf of another business. For example, if you're paying a business or an individual on behalf of your customer, then provide the originatorIdentityId that contains identifying information about your customer. You don't need to include this property if you are the payment originator.

To get an existing originator's identityId, call the GET /v2/identities operation with the query parameter identityType set to ORIGINATOR. You can get the originator's identityId from the response. For more information, see the Get an identity tutorial.


This property indicates the source of funds for this payment. This value must be equal to one of the known values in the table below.

Expand to see the list of known values for sourceOfCash

Known values for sourceOfCash

Value Description
ALMY Alimony
CASH Cash Proceeds
COMP Compensation
EMIN Employee Income
INHE Inheritance
INLQ Insurance Premium Liquidation
PACA Paid Up Capital
REDM Redemption
REPY Retirement Policy
REST Real Estate Sale
SALE Sale Of Goods
SEAQ Sale Aquisition Corporation
SELF Self Employment Income
SVGS Savings
WINS Winnings


This property indicates the purpose of the payment. The value of this property must be equal to one of the supported purpose code values.

To get the list of supported purposeCode values, call the GET /v2/data-requirements operation. The response contains a field named Purp.Cd, and a corresponding array of enumerated field values. These values represent the supported purposeCode values.