Bank IDs

The following list provides the bank ID you must specify when you add a beneficiary. Make sure to select the bank ID according to the region where your beneficiary is located and/or the specific bank they use.

European Economic Area (EEA)

If the beneficiary's bank is within a country that's part of the EEA, select the ID corresponding to the appropriate country from this list:

Payout Country Bank ID
Austria 430001
Belgium 326001
Croatia 385001
Czechia 420001
Denmark 450001
Estonia 372001
Finland 358001
France 330001
Germany 490001
Greece 300001
Hungary 360001
Iceland 354001
Ireland 353001
Italy 390001
Lithuania 370001
Luxembourg 352001
Malta 356001
Monaco 377001
Netherlands 310001
Norway 470001
Poland 480001
Portugal 351001
Romania 400001
Spain 340001
Sweden 460001
Switzerland 410001


If the beneficiary's bank is within the Philippines, select the ID corresponding to the appropriate bank from this list:

Bank name Bank ID
Al Amanah Islamic Investment Bank 63175
ANZ Bank 63184
Asia United Bank 63102
Bangkok Bank Public Co Ltd 63187
Bank Of America 63185
Bank of China 63186
BDO Unibank 63053
Bank of Commerce 63152
Bank of Philippine Island (BPI) 63153
BPI Family 63154
China Bank 63106
China Bank Savings 63107
Chinatrust Bank (CTBC) 63108
CITIBANK (Philippines) 63109
Development Bank of Philippines (DBP) 63189
Deutsche Bank 63190
East West Bank 63112
Equicom Savings Bank 63140
First Consolidate Bank 63191
HSBC 63134
HSBC Savings Bank 63135
Industrial Bank of Korea 63193
ISLA Bank 63194
JP Morgan Chase Bank 63196
Land Bank 63144
KEB Hana 63195
Malayan Bank 63197
Mega INTL COMML Bank Co LTD (ICBC) 63198
Metrobank 63116
Mizuho Bank Ltd (Fuji Bank) 63199
Partner Rural Bank (COTABATO) INC 63202
Philippine Bank of Communications (PBCOM) 63118
Phil Business Bank 63119
Philippine National Bank (PNB) 63132
Philippine Veterans Bank 63145
Philtrust Bank 63117
Producers Savings Bank Corp 63178
Philippine Saving Bank (PS Bank) 63121
OmniPay Inc previously known as PVBCC 63200
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) 63124
Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation Savings Bank (RCBC) 63125
Robinsons Bank 63126
Security Bank 63127
Standard Chartered Bank 63205
Sterling Bank of Asia 63161
Shinhan Bank 63203
Sun Savings Bank Inc 63204
Yuanta Saving Bank Phils Inc (FKA TongYang) 63209
Union Bank of the Philippines 63041
United Overseas Bank Philippines (UOB) 63207
Wealth Development Bank 63208
MayBank 63133
Metrobank (USD) 63182
Maya Bank, INC. 63239
Tonik Digital Bank 63240
UNION Digital Bank 63241

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland

If the beneficiary's bank is within the UK or one of its territories, select the ID corresponding to the appropriate region and currency from this list:

Payout territory Payout currency Bank ID
United Kingdom EUR 440001
United Kingdom GBP 440002
Gibralta EUR 350001
Isle of Man EUR 440003
Jersey EUR 440004
Guernsey EUR 441181


If the beneficiary's bank is within Vietnam, select the ID corresponding to the appropriate bank from this list:

Bank name Bank ID
Sacombank 840001
Vietinbank 840002
Saigonbank 840003
ABBank 840004
OceanBank 840005
SeABank 840006
PVcomBank 840007
PG Bank 840008
GP Bank 840009
Dong A Bank 840010
BIDV Bank 840011
KienLongBank 840012
Agribank 840013
Vietcapital Bank 840014
VietBank 840015
VRBank 840016
VCB 840017
ACB 840018
Eximbank 840019
TPBank 840020
SHB 840021
HDBank 840022
MBBank 840023
VPBank 840024
VIB 840025
Techcombank 840026
OCB 840027
NCB 840028
HLBVN 840029
LienVietPostBank 840030
BacABank 840031
BVB 840032
ShinhanVN 840033
Public Bank VN 840034
SCB 840035
Maritime Bank 840038
NamABank 840040
VBSP 840043
VDB 840044
VAB 840046
CBBank 840047
IVB 840049
WooriBank 840051
Standard Chartered Bank 840064
UOB Bank 840066
HSBC Bank 840037
IBK - HN 840050
Nonghyup Bank 840115
ANZ Vietnam 840036
MoneygramBank 840042
CoopBank 840045
Citibank 840063