
The Payments page in RippleNet Home displays a list of payments and information about each payment. Use this information for monitoring payment operations and reconciling payment activity.

Payments page list

Payments list

The columns in the payment list provide specific information about each payment.

Column Description
Payment ID The unique ID assigned to the payment when the payment was created. Each Payment ID link opens the Payment Details page for the payment.
Sender Account / Sent The account from which the payment was sent, the currency code for the payment, and the sent amount for the payment.
Receiver Account / Received The account in which the payment was received, the currency code for the payment, and the received amount for the payment.
Created At The specific date and time corresponding to the payment initiation.
Status The current status of the payment, represented by a set of four progress bars followed by the payment state, and the date and time of this status change.
Action This column displays any required action for the payment process to continue. The following is the list of payment actions:
  • Review - (Sender only) Indicates that a payment must be reviewed and approved before processing (See Payment authorization for more information.) and displays the Payment details page.
  • Lock - (Receiver only) Locks the payment after the sender has accepted the quote.
  • Settle - (Sender only) Executes the payment to initiate the transfer of funds.
  • Complete - (Receiver only) Completes the payment indicating that the beneficiary has received the funds.

The payments most recently modified are listed first.

Payments list controls

The Payments list offers a set of controls for refining the set of payments displayed.

Refresh Refresh : Refreshes the payments list to show the most recent payments.
Download Download : Opens the Download Payment dialog box where you can specify a single page of payments to download from the payments currently displayed in the payments list. Each downloaded page can contain up to 100 payments in order from most recently modified to least recently modified payment. The download file is a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
Filter Filter : Displays the Filters panel where you can set filters to refine the payment data. The Filter control also displays the number of currently active filters.
Rows per page Rows per page : Specifies the number of payments to display in the current page of the payments list.
Page number
Page number : Selects the page number of the page to display in the payments list.

ODL Statement

The On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) Statement feature in RippleNet Home provides pre-generated reports for RippleNet payments that utilize On-Demand Liquidity.

For more information about reporting features in RippleNet Home, see Payment reports.

New payment form

The New payment form allows you to create a new remittance or payment transaction from within the RippleNet Home user interface.

For more information about the New Payment form in RippleNet Home, see New payment form.

Payment authorization

The payment authorization feature allows you to control the payment process, ensuring that all RippleNet transactions are reviewed and authorized before settlement.

For more information about the payment authorization in RippleNet Home, see Payment authorization.