Outbound instructions

If your payment through On-Demand Liquidity (ODL) requires outbound instructions, add an outbound_instructions key to the user_info object in your Accept Quote request body that includes the following fields in an object.

Field Type Description
outlet_id String Set to the ID of the payout outlet you want to use for the outbound transfer. The value of this field must match the value of the payment_method in the quote you are accepting.
originator_info Object Use field_name and field_value keys to send values required about the originator of the payment. Generally, the destination exchange is the exchange that requires originator information.
beneficiary_info Object Use field_name and field_value keys to send values required (and optional) about the beneficiary of the payment. Generally, the destination exchange is the exchange that requires beneficiary information.

The information you provide for an On-Demand Liquidity payment through an exchange over local rails varies by payout method. Examples for each payout outlet type are included in Payout Examples.

When you make an On-Demand Liquidity payment to a beneficiary through a RippleNet counterparty, the information you provide is specific to your payment agreement with the counterparty.

Bitso (MXN) exchange payment method information

When you make a payment to a beneficiary in MXN through Bitso, provide spei as the value of the payment_method when you request a quote, and the value of the outlet_id in the outbound_instructions when you accept a quote.


If you want to make an MXN payment through Bitso using the automatic payout service, you must specify spei as the payout method, even though the payment doesn't otherwise require outbound instructions.

Coins (PHP) exchange payment method information

When you make a payment to a beneficiary in PHP within the Philippines, the Coins exchange has many available payout method options. The following information about Coins payout outlets should help you locate a payment_method value to provide when you request a payment quote, and the value for the outlet_id in the outbound_instructions when you accept a quote.

Outlet delivery times, limit per transaction, and fees

Delivery Type Order Deadlines/Delivery Times
(Manila Time)
Limit Per Transaction Fees
Standard 10:00AM cut off, processed on or before 6pm.
No weekend processing.
None * 20 PHP
Pesonet 3:00PM cut off, processed end of the same day.
No weekend processing.
None 5 PHP
InstaPay Available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Processed instantly.
50,000 PHP 10 PHP

* Coins may only process amounts in increments of 100 PHP for the citi standard outlet (Citibank, N.A.).

Coins payout outlets

Coins.ph supports the following payment outlets through On-Demand Liquidity.

Bank Name Standard Pesonet InstaPay
Al-Amanah Islamic Bank alamanah_pesonet
AllBank allbank_pesonet allbankx
bank_code: 0210
Allied Bank allied
Asia United Bank asiaunited asiaunited_pesonet aubx
bank_code: 0102
Australia & New Zealand Bank anz_pesonet
Bangko Mabuhay (A Rural Bank), INC. bangkomabuhayx
bank_code: 0878
Bangkok Bank Public Co., Ltd. bangkokbank_pesonet
Bank of America, Nat'l. Ass'n. bankofamerica_pesonet
Bank of China bankofchina_pesonet
Bank of Commerce bank_of_commerce bank_of_commerce_pesonet bankofcommercex
bank_code: 0044
Bank of Florida bofz
BDO bdo bdo_pesonet
BDO Network Bank, Inc. onbz onbx
bank_code: 0030
BPI bpi bpi_pesonet
BPI Family Savings Bank bpi_family
Cebuana Lhuillier Rural Bank cebuanalx
bank_code: 7002
China Bank china_bank china_bank_pesonet chinabankx
bank_code: 0010
China Bank Savings china_bank_savings_pesonet chinabanksavingsx
bank_code: 0112
Citibank, N.A. citi citi_pesonet
CIMB Bank Phils, Inc. cimbz
CTBC Bank (Philippines) Corporation ctbc_pesonet ctbcx
bank_code: 0069
Deutsche Bank deutsche_pesonet
DBP dbp dbp_pesonet dbpx
bank_code: 0059
Dungganon Bank, Inc. dungganon_pesonet dungganonx
bank_code: 0898
East West Banking Corporation eastwest eastwest_pesonet eastwestx
bank_code: 0062
EastWest Rural Bank eastwest_ruralx
bank_code: 0168
Equicom Savings Bank, Inc. equicom_pesonet equicomx
bank_code: 0048
First Consolidated Bank first_consolidated_pesonet
G-Xchange, Inc. (Gcash) gcashx
bank_code: 0093
HSBC hsbc hsbc_pesonet
HSBC Savings hsbc_savings
Industrial Bank of Korea - Manila ibk_pesonet
ING Bank N.V. ing_pesonet ingx
bank_code: 9147
ISLA Bank (A Thrift Bank), Inc. islax
bank_code: 0858
JPMorgan Chase Bank jpmorgan_pesonet
KEB Hana Bank kebhana_pesonet
Land Bank of the Philippines landbank landbank_pesonet landbankx
bank_code: 0035
Malayan Bank Savings and Mortgage Bank, Inc. malayanx
bank_code: 0082
Maybank Philippines, Inc. maybank maybank_pesonet maybankx
bank_code: 0022
Mega International Commercial Bank Co., Ltd megaintl_pesonet
Metrobank metrobank metrobank_pesonet metrobankx
bank_code: 0026
Mizuho Bank, Ltd. mizuho_pesonet
MUFG Bank, Ltd. mufg_pesonet
Omnipay, Inc. omnipayx
bank_code: 0868
Partner Rural Bank (Cotabato), Inc. partnerruralx
bank_code: 0715
Paymaya Philippines, Inc. paymayax
bank_code: 0483
PBCOM pbcom pbcom_pesonet pbcomx
bank_code: 0011
Philippine Business Bank, Inc., A Savings Bank pbbx
bank_code: 0097
Philippine Trust Company philtrust_pesonet philtrustx
bank_code: 0009
Philippine Veterans Bank veterans_pesonet veteransx
bank_code: 0033
Planters Bank planters
PNB pnb pnb_pesonet pnbx
bank_code: 0008
PNB Savings Bank pnb_savings_bank pnbsavingsx
bank_code: 0115
Producers Savings Bank producers_pesonet
PSBank psbank psbank_pesonet psbankx
bank_code: 0047
Quezon Capital Rural Bank quezonbankx
bank_code: 0670
RCBC rcbc rcbc_pesonet rcbcx
bank_code: 0928
RCBC Savings Bank, Inc. rcbc-savings
Robinsons Bank Corporation robinsons robinsons_pesonet robinsonsx
bank_code: 0091
Security Bank Corporation securitybank security_pesonet securityx
bank_code: 0014
Security Bank Savings security-savings
Shinhan Bank shinhan_pesonet
Standard Chartered standard_chartered standard_chartered_pesonet
Sterling Bank of Asia sterling_bank sterling_bank_pesonet
Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corp smbc_pesonet
Sun Savings Bank, Inc. sunsavingsx
bank_code: 0147
UCPB UCPB ucpb_pesonet ucpbx
bank_code: 0029
UCPB Savings Bank, Inc. ucpbsavingsx bank_code: 0049
Union Bank of the Philippines union_bank union_bank_pesonet unionbankx bank_code: 0041
United Overseas Bank Philippines uob_pesonet
Wealth Development Bank, Inc. wealth wealth_pesonet wealthx
bank_code: 0230
Yuanta Savings Bank, Inc. yuanta_pesonet yuantax bank_code: 0105

Coins.ph payout

Payouts through Coins.ph require specific sender fields. You must provide the following sender field details for payouts through Coins.ph:

  • Either the customer's name or the customer's company name.
  • Either a phone number or email.
  • Address, city and country.
  • Province and postal code, if available.

If you're using M Lhuillier Kwarta Padala or Palawan Express Pera Padala for payout, the full_name field is required for the cash payout method.

Additionally, you must follow the character field limits described in the Coins.ph sellorder documentation.


The payout details from the Coins.ph documentation may conflict with this information. In the event of any differences, use the Coins.ph documentation for payout details.

For more information, contact your Ripple representative for details on how to include payout method in the quote and payment objects.

InstaPay Payment outbound_instructions information


When you make a payment through InstaPay, you must provide the InstaPay outlet_id and associated bank_code in the outbound_instructions for successful payment.

Required InstaPay beneficiary_info fields

When using InstaPay to send a payment, the following fields are required within the beneficiary_info object in your accept quote request:

Field Description
bank_account_name The owner of the bank account where you want to deposit the payment funds.
recipient_bank_code Enter the value of the bank_code for the InstaPay outlet where you want to send the payment.
bank_account_number The bank account number where you want to deposit the payment funds.

Required InstaPay originator_info fields

The following fields are required within the originator_info object in your accept quote request:

Field Description
sender_first_name The first name for the party sending the payment.
sender_last_name The last name for the party sending the payment.
sender_phone The contact phone number for the party sending the payment. This field is optional if the sender_email is provided.
sender_email The contact email for the party sending the payment. This field is optional if the sender_phone is provided.
sender_address The street address for the party sending the payment.
sender_city The city for the party sending the payment.
sender_country The country for the party sending the payment.

Payout examples

The following code shows JSON examples of beneficiary information that's submitted when you select the beneficiary in the New Payment form or when you make the Accept quote request.

These examples add supporting information for payments through Mexico and the Philippines:


The 014027000005555558 value for the CLABE number in the example passes On-Demand Liquidity validation and can be used in a testing environment. Other account numbers may result in payment failure.


The field_value field used to describe the sending country (for "field_name": sender_country) requires ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes. For example, "US" or "GB". The address fields (sender_address or full_address) are limited to 30 characters.


  "external_id": "test-payment01",
  "outbound_instructions": {
    "outlet_id": "spei",
    "beneficiary_info": [
         "field_name": "recipient_family_names",
         "field_value": "Testing"
        "field_name": "recipient_given_names",
        "field_value": "Joe"
        "field_name": "clabe",
        "field_value": "014027000005555558"

Philippines bank payout

  "external_id": "test-payment01",
  "outbound_instructions": {
    "outlet_id": "rcbc-savings",
    "beneficiary_info": [
         "field_name": "bank_account_name",
         "field_value": "Joe Testing"
        "field_name": "bank_account_number",
        "field_value": "123456789"
    "originator_info": [
        "field_name": "sender_address",
        "field_value": "123 W 4th Street"
        "field_name": "sender_city",
        "field_value": "New York"
        "field_name": "sender_country",
        "field_value": "US"

Philippines cash payout

  "external_id": "test-payment01",
  "outbound_instructions": {
    "outlet_id": "rcbc",
    "beneficiary_info": [
         "field_name": "recipient_first_name",
         "field_value": "Joe"
         "field_name": "recipient_last_name",
         "field_value": "Testing"
        "field_name": "full_address",
        "field_value": "Recipient's Full Address / ID"
        "field_name": "phone_number_recipient",
        "field_value": "15554564566"
    "originator_info": [
        "field_name": "sender_address",
        "field_value": "123 W 4th Street"
        "field_name": "sender_city",
        "field_value": "New York"
        "field_name": "sender_country",
        "field_value": "US"

Philippines Instapay payout

  "external_id": "test-payment01",
  "outbound_instructions": {
    "outlet_id": "sunsavingsx",
    "beneficiary_info": [
         "field_name": "bank_account_name",
         "field_value": "Joe Testing"
        "field_name": "bank_account_number",
        "field_value": "123456789"
        "field_name": "recipient_bank_code",
        "field_value": "0147"
    "originator_info": [
        "field_name": "sender_first_name",
        "field_value": "Jane"
        "field_name": "sender_last_name",
        "field_value": "Garcia"
        "field_name": "sender_phone",
        "field_value": "+639188888888"
        "field_name": "sender_email",
        "field_value": "jane.garcia@gmail.com"
        "field_name": "sender_address",
        "field_value": "123 W 4th Street"
        "field_name": "sender_city",
        "field_value": "New York"
        "field_name": "sender_country",
        "field_value": "US"